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Everything posted by studev3131

  1. yeah thats becoming obvious. he won't touch her below her waist. waste of time to watch beyond heavy boob petting.
  2. Has anyone else noticed that Riya is still living out of the suit case and hasn't really unpacked.
  3. i don't think this apt has been this boring in a long time.
  4. How soon does she move into B2 or B4? As Masha is leaving in shortly so there is a ton of empty rooms
  5. Masha is there for another week, another massage and b4 has hit rock bottom. Unless Martina comes over soon, i don't see it getting better
  6. how is vivian doing. I cant get a read as all i've seen is her on the phone.
  7. People forget that he's not getting paid like the girls or Carlos. I am sure somebody has already created a video of this moment that will be up on xhamster or pornhub in a short while.
  8. How much more of a bonus is Monica getting for appearing in everyone else's house. Everyday she's doing a new apt, like a circus in a new town.
  9. By not removing her name quickly they get people to sign up thinking there are more girls than actually are. Not everyone is aware of camcaps.
  10. I hate to say this as i have been a fan of RLC, but it is straight boring right now. Last year was a blow out year but this year and i understand covid is a big factor but they need to figure out something as VH is blowing them away, if wasn't for the poor quality of the video VH could pass them.
  11. I was hoping after see tanya get a little wild to begin with her stay here that things would be viewable and exciting but its been a bust since Masha and that dude left.
  12. @noldus is probably sleeping but i wonder who his guess is on who is up to fill these rooms. RLC seems to be going to repeats lately and failing with new other then Radi and Ariana but they got here a long time ago now. Curious to see what the timekeeper has to say.
  13. Everybody can complain about Gina, but unless Martina comes soon this house will get even more boring then b2
  14. Noldus can you give us update on what you see happenning as these girls can now leave. This should start opening the door to more departures?
  15. Anyone notice that Amalia has been gone like 4 days and there has been no update from RLC, or airplane over her house. Guess this wasn't an RLC approved or known trip.
  16. No worries about morning breath here.
  17. funny he's trying to wake babi up as well.
  18. As some else mentioned bearded guy has no place else to go. You would think he’d get the message and do his boy a solid and sleep on the floor. But boyz rules don’t exist in Italy I guess
  19. Do these people not have their own places to go. Why are all these dudes still trying
  20. Masha is nice. I'd be like L.E.A.V.E. now. Party over for you.
  21. anybody starting pool. Whose betting nothing happens in the versus something happening tonight. Vote your vote.
  22. i don't get these forums. dudes are always complaining like they are being forced to watch. why is that. its like all social media if you don't like it change the channel or turn it off.
  23. too many dudes. Beard guy and the fighting couple need to leave.
  24. She’s now trying in the dead zones in the bathroom. He doesn’t want to be on cam.
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