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Everything posted by studev3131

  1. Do dudes who keep saying get off there phones understand that these girls are Russian so watching local tv does really work. So instead of watching tv the watch videos and listen to Russian music. If I was in a foreign country I’d always be on my iPad so I could watch English speaking videos and shows.
  2. Time of the Marsha apartment to hit the trail. It was a good run, one of the longest but i believe its run its course. Can we start a vote to have RLC shut it down.
  3. Damira took care of him while he was outside with her. He got more action this his sister Numi
  4. Sara appears to still be on her period. String still hanging out.
  5. I’d be in Megan’s room in a heart beat. What is he doing.
  6. The brother has a chance with 5 girls in Megan’s room and he’s afraid to go by himself
  7. Whether he's her brother or not, things have slowed to a crawl in this apt while he's been there. They need to hook him up wiht one of the B4 girls or something.
  8. Thats a good call. Damira and Belle, we should take bets or create a poll like the sports radio stations do and see how gets busy tonight: Vote for the girl who will get busy the most: Vote for the girl who will get busy the least:
  9. fiby is a waste and sadly damira annabelle are going to time out soon. not a good outlook for B4.
  10. Got to give Damira credit there is no quit in this girl for trying.
  11. This camera set is one of the worst that VHTV has put on screen so far. The views are bad the sound is bad, and there is minimal activity. Oh well, VHTV quality seems to be going down hill fast just to put apts.
  12. Damira needs to switch back to Debbie to get money. It appears fiby was a one time thing
  13. Danita I apologize and will never underestimate your tongue of persuasion.
  14. Fiby is too in love to do anything special. She’ll be like diva. Nude and games but that’s it
  15. I don't know if FIby will go that extra mile. Maybe if she didn't have the boyfriend that she is talking to regulary, she seems open to the nudity but that next level is a different game all together. its one thing to be nude like a the beach, its another to do sexual activity. I would like to see her mast first and then i would believe she'd be open to it.
  16. is anyone else having issues were the rooms in b2 won't open?
  17. Noldus, do you know whose leaving this house and when, and possibly replacements?
  18. They should just let Diva go home early. Noldus how much times does she have left like 30 Days? Kind of sad to watch.
  19. This seems to be Divas last chance. Every other girl has been active lately even Karina. Diva's got a big glass of liquid courage lets see what happens
  20. Can somebody say left field. Never saw this coming. With the less cams rlc must be upping the bonuses.
  21. They pulled you in and now its over and when you think its about to get really heated, they stop and 5 minutes later out the door to drop Sara at home.
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