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Everything posted by studev3131

  1. I am surprised that nobody notices how it appears that Diva has given up on participating. Even Debbie got engaged last night. It's too bad i had a lot of hope and thought she could have been a star. Guess i was way wrong.
  2. Does Noldus work for RLC how does he get all his information. Can he get them to do something about d&d
  3. I had so much hope for Diva and she just won’t do anything. And she seems to have a number of days left.
  4. Diva has to get more engaged or bring in a second girl for her to be friends with. She is dying on this visit, and sadly all that talent going to waste, with a lot more time to go before she leaves.
  5. They needed to completion is fierce and with less camera RLC is I a short term bind to keep customers
  6. With reduced number of cameras and apartments this can’t be accepted Time to review membership especially after such poor customer experience. Is this what you pay for.
  7. From a customer experience standpoint has RLC emailed a new newsletter with an official explanation?
  8. I appreciate amy3 comments and feedback. Keep them coming
  9. Has Noldus done one of his time checks so we know who has what remaining in the b houses? And if not could he print one?
  10. if Oksi is leaving the Barc apartments will be dead. How do we know that she didn't just time out, how are dudes aware that it was Bea? That would seem weird if it was Bea because Oksi took care of Bea multiple times this week and i didn't see Bea complaining then.
  11. Instead on constantly complaining about lack of action in B1 and B2, we should place bets on how many days from today until one of them bates. Secondary bet on who is the first to bate and have some fun during these cold days of winter. At least lets have some fun with this coldness
  12. It would be great if RLC put together a newsletter to let us know whats going on, so people don't have to guess, but they seem to show a lack of concern about their customers.
  13. I don't think Nicole will be on VH long unless she breaks up with her b/f. He's definetly not comfortable on cam as he stopped mid-stroke after being undercovers most of the night during their action tonight.
  14. Like i've said before it appears that miranda and deborah really got over on RLC. They dont participate in any of the organized shows or efforts. And don't do much else. I wonder how much time they have left before they have to go.
  15. Have Miranda or deb done anything recently? Seems like they sleep and are out most of the time now.
  16. have Debbie or Miranda done anything since they have been sleeping together. As i don't remember seeing anything of consequence from Miranda
  17. Danaya should go on the couch. She clearly doesn’t want to be there. She is all show no real action
  18. This bath scene shows that rlc made a bad choice in housemates this go around. Can we get an update from the time keeper on how much time they have left in the house
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