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Everything posted by snaky

  1. You know what's funny Mr Giant Crap? The fact that all my comments are liked by at least five other people yet you keep singling out my "opinions" like i'm a wolf in a heard of sheap. First of all wear your glasses next time because 60% of my post was a quote from an official document. You know this little things "" mean it's a text taken from some place else. Now how the hell do you know that this gift wasn't genuine?? Did you get into his soul? What you just said in basic layman's terms, is that if you get a girlfriend that's not a virgin, then she doesn't deserve any expensive gifts. However, if she puts out she will earn more expensive gifts. So you just put down a guy that you don't even know, and you called Kamila a slut who spreads her legs for gifts. Now you explain to us how you got to that from a guy giving his girl a teddy bear! Better yet, don't explain shit and just shut the fuck up!
  2. It's common knowledge that a human brain consists 70% of liquid. In your case it's obviously brake fluid! 1. Nothing of what you said has anything at all to do with the teddy. 2. We've discussed kitek/lucas69/whatever before and none of his info can be trusted as we don't know his country of origin, his native language or where he gains his "translations" from 3. " VIP Host Job Description By Cassie Damewood eHow Contributor When a patron of a five star resort, hotel or casino regularly spends a lot of money on-site, she receives preferential treatment by the VIP host, a customer service specialist. According to information provided at salary.com, the median annual salary for this position in 2009 in the United States was $47,831. Job Duties Making the VIP customer feel pampered, spoiled and eager to return to the location is the main duty of the job. Good relations with in-house management and local businesses provide the host with outlets to obtain favors and make deals." Doesn't mention sexual favors anywhere in the description, so has no reflection whatsoever on the number of her sexual partners or her current relationship! And I highly doubt that any of this girls would be discussing any of their wages out loud in front of cams! 4. 4000 rubles is only fifty dollars and eighty cents :lmao: So i'm not even gonna elaborate on the origin of that number. And last but far from least, if you see an escort/slut/prostitute in every nicely dressed woman, i feel extremely sorry for you as it's a clear sign of a childhood sexual psychological trauma brought on by a female!
  3. Lol, you should just stay with the pictures man. Your gift choices match your screen name however, most teenagers are not as rich as you are. Teddy bears of various shapes and sizes remain the most popular gift on Valentines Day. And haven't you ever heard a phrase "it's the thought that counts"?
  4. Interesting concept. Well, if you spot a guy stuffing nuts in his pockets, you will have found Foamy. Mr1010 will have a stack of complaint forms in one hand and a book of Entertainment Law in the other. Phantom will wear his cape, while Stncld will simply wear his stone cold t-shirt and carry a couple cans of bud light. Hope will have his 200 photos of Ilona making a trip downstairs in the buff. And we already know that updown walks around with a spring in his step and a very identifiable squeak. And HarleyCrap would be the easiest one as you just have to look for the biggest ass in the room.(And not as in body part either). Oh and Mikey will come in accompanied by a life-size cutout of his "baby" :P And me, I'll just wear my snake boots and snake belt, and have my snake wallet :) :) Although on second thought, this might be the biggest wrinkled sausage fest in history so I might not attend at all :lmao: :lmao:
  5. Holly watermelons! Kristy looked like ten million bucks :drool: The picture is nowhere near the reality as she walked by too fast distorting the image
  6. Your comment would have been worth speculating if you added that the "person in charge" was Nora. :lmao:
  7. noun, plural vermin. 1. noxious, objectionable, or disgusting animals collectively, especially those of small size that appear commonly and are difficult to control, as flies, lice, bedbugs, cockroaches, mice, and rats. 2. an objectionable or obnoxious person, or such persons collectively. 3. animals that prey upon game, as coyotes or weasels. Havingablast, I shudder to imagine what you had for lunch that made you spew vermin :lmao: :lmao:
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