I've said from day one that this guy was an f...n troll. Him and that genius sat11. They spend at least 70% of their time in Camcaps and only 30% watching VV or RLC. And yet they keep coming with their "logical" hypothesis on current and upcoming :lmao: relationship and website status. Like they're supplying us with important, secret background info that we desperately need. LOL
I've looked over mr1010's posts archive and their times, the other day within a 20 min span he visited VV twice and RLC twice and had time to make three posts on CamCaps. How validated can any of his posts be and how can anyone take anything he says seriously? That's beyond me
I wasn't here. Some of us have to actually work to earn a buck. But if she said something to the cams it can only mean one thing: she was on here and read some of the horrible things people have been saying about her and told you all to go fuck yourselves.
You guys are ridiculous. Now you're chastising the girl because she wanted to take a bath? Because you all were waiting to see some sex that was never gonna happen? How about she simply wanted to TAKE A BATH instead of a shower because it's more enjoyable? Plus she wanted to masturbate with the shower hose again. I guess you all missed that because you were sitting here typing your crap.
Dude, what the fuck is wrong with you?! You asked if anyone saw if they are a real couple, and the answer was posted a page before your question. But you seem incapable of going back and reading through the posts.
So instead of thanking him for directing you to the information you're looking for, you accuse him? Very intelligent!
So what do you have to say for yourself now? I'd say your logic equals to the 5-year old's. Observation of separate actions in time never lead to the full picture. So next time maybe you should think more before jumping in with your conclusions
Bean, we understand clearly you hate Christy. But boiling about it on a daily basis is not earning you any ranking points. You gotta understand there are other people here who have different opinion about her and they don't like reading daily "hate mail" about her.
And mark my words, you will all eat your words because she's not the person you all make her out to be
I don't have to look anywhere. I said twice already I saw it live. And where do you see her nose when it's blocked by her hair? Don't judge people by one grainy dark photo