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Everything posted by Epikouros

  1. Wasn't Milena also a clean freak?... But maybe she didn't mind about cleaning more than her housemates, unlike Esmi? I don't know if Esmi is a clean freak (though she might be, I don't follow her that often), but I used to live with one, and discussions about cleaning were a big problem, and because I was a guy and she was a girl, the problem also got a 'sexist' dimension. I'm not a clean freak myself (rather the contrary), and when you're not a clean freak yourself, it becomes hard to live with someone who is a clean freak if they also demand you do just as much cleaning as they do (out of 'fairness', or maybe 'feminism' - if the clean freak is a girl and the slob is a guy -, from their view). It's not that I think the other person should clean more, it's just that I don't see the necessity to clean yet, when for them, it's already a mess. That is fine by me, unless/until they start complaining about me "not cleaning enough" and them "always having to clean": I don't force them to clean, I just think the situation is fine, when they feel compelled to clean because for them it's already too messy. I think a lot of misunderstandings between "clean freaks" & "slobs" come down to this. It's just two types of persons that might get along well, as long as they're not living together. When they move in with each other, it's the beginning of the end. The problem gets a 'sexist' dimension when the "clean freak" is the girl and the "slob" is the guy, but this doesn't necessarily have to be the case, as we apparently see now with Nadia & Esmi. I'm not taking sides in this one! 😉
  2. Has there always been bad blood between Nadia & Esmi? Or did it only start recently? How did it start? They both seemed pretty calm in temperament (I thought they'd fit well together, probably RLC thought so too), though Nadia got more 'orgiastic' lately... 🙂 (sorry, I haven't really followed B2 for a while) PS: (though maybe I should ask there) how do Harley & Esmi's sis Zabava get along?...
  3. Seems their cute friend is gone... RLC should recruit her. I hope RLC & Cutie (my name for her, until she gets/chooses one) consider it.
  4. She is very pretty indeed. She probably is my favourite girl on RLC at the moment, without even being a tenant. And she's less shy than Tonya, who actually is a tenant (albeit a new one). Then again, I have a thing for guest girls: you never know when they'll disappear forever, while with tenants, "there's always tomorrow", so I'm more compelled to look at guests, certainly when they're good looking. Them letting us catch a glimpse of their naked skin is also somehow more 'pure', as they're not getting paid, but still don't care (or even somewhat enjoy) to show something on cam...
  5. As I said before (page 2 I think), she behaves rather prudely on cam for an escort or a stripper (though I hope she'll loosen up when she gets more used to the cams). Which makes me think she might be a dancer of sorts, but maybe the kind that doesn't (completely) undress. As for escorts not having tattoos: I guess it depends. I can imagine self-employed escorts having tattoos anyway, at least nowadays. Maybe the more 'conservative' (strange word to use in this business) escort agencies would object, but I guess even they would prefer to hire a pretty escort with (some/small) tattoos, rather than a unattractive one without. But there are other reasons why I doubt Tonya is an escort, which I indicated above: I assume an actual escort (or stripper) wouldn't go out of her way to shower in the dark & show as little skin as possible on RLC like Tonya does, as showing some nudity is peanuts compared to having sex for money. Or maybe it's that she thinks RLC doesn't pay her enough & she's trying to get a raise this way? But in that case it's backfiring, as she'll rarely or never be top cam this way, even though she's good looking.
  6. Tonya has a weird way of lying in her bed, as if she would prefer the head of the bed were inversed to avoid the cam filming up her legs... And also showers in the dark. 😕 The pretty guest girl at Elli & Vladellia is less prudish, without even being a tenant. It's still early days for Tonya, so things might (hopefully) improve. From her bio, one might assume she's a stripper, but that doesn't align with her rather prude behaviour on cam (so far, at least). Maybe she just dances for clubs without taking everything or even anything off?...
  7. Most of my friends & acquaintances from back then turned out ok, too. Those few who didn't, would have faced life problems regardless. Substance (ab)use was rather a consequence than a cause of their issues. conformism & moral panic about these things are overrated. You just have to (get to) know your limits. If you can do that, you'll be fine. Some can't, though, that's true. But it's a minority. Some of the people I drank, smoked joints (& tried other things like mushrooms, XTC & LSD) with in the nineties, are teachers and even school principals now. If only their pupils & colleagues knew, lol.
  8. Well, the places that were able to make alcohol 5000 years ago. That was not everywhere, of course. Though some tribes got off on psychedelic mushrooms, certain spices etc... Alcohol abuse was a big problem in cities in medieval and early modern times, when, due to a lack of clean drinking water, people (even children) drank beer. Lots of reports of bar room brawls that ended deadly because of that. Domestic violence, too. Granted, this was more of a general problem than just a "young people" problem. Though young men/boys were considered the most dangerous in that regard. As for ancient times: there are sources from Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece & Ancient Rome complaining about the behavior of "the youth of today", compared to one or two generations before... Edit: I survived my youth, have fond memories of it, and was probably one of those talked about in a derogatory way as "the youth of today" (back then). If I regret one thing, it's not having even more fun than I actually had. If anything, I have the impression "my time" (largely the nineties) was wilder than what most young people experience today (lots of youngsters now are terrified about being filmed while doing something naughty, a problem we didn't really have), but I might be out of the loop a little. As for 50 years ago, the Sexual Revolution was not even 10 years old back then. The late 60s & 70s must have been pretty wild times. Though probably not everywhere. Anyway, I'm too young to have experienced all that era had to offer. Still enjoying the music of that time period, though.
  9. You could hear exactly the same quote 50 years ago... Probably 500 & 5000 years ago, too. Lots of people (exception: the shut-in, the religious,...) go through a wild phase when they are young. Most end up fine.
  10. Update: I caught her just as she was leaving the shower... Better than nothing I suppose. Indeed a very pretty girl, and apparently also very clean & thus not too shy to shower on cam. Other guest girls: take note! Better to be clean & nude, than smelly & prude! 🙂
  11. And I missed them all! (no replay)... 😕 Anyone willing to post (or PM) a pic or vid?... Thanks in advance!
  12. Drinking doesn't make one more fertile. If they're on the pill, they should be fine. And besides, it takes two to get pregnant.
  13. Why are the 2 new apartments listed here, and not under "Singles/Couples - Cz Rep, Italy, Poland, Montenegro"?
  14. And that's exactly why I like cats (though I'm certainly not anti-dog, except for the aggressive ones). For a domesticated animal, they show lots of grace, style & attitude. Cunningness too, combined with cuteness. As I said previously: with cats, sometimes you can wonder who exactly domesticated whom... 😉 And despite all the entitlement, most cats learn to neatly bury their poo in a litter box or outside beneath earth or sand. For all their loyalty, dogs have a hard time understanding their human friends don't appreciate turds lying around, not even outside on the sidewalk. But wouldn't it be great if both cats & dogs just learned to use a human toilet and flush? 😛 A very few can, apparently, but probably not consistently.
  15. Indeed, must have been her. As he wrote her name somewhat differently, and I didn't watch Marilyn a lot yet, and her hair looked somewhat different too, I didn't realise it was her.
  16. I don't think I've seen her before. An ex-tenant? Maybe about to (re)join?
  17. Regarding shitting indoors, dogs don't really have a better track record than cats. And the smell is at least as bad.
  18. Gone already... After 7 min at most... 😕 But thanks anyway.
  19. It's a shortened form of "Laetitia", so the name "Titia" actually exists!
  20. I was actually waiting for someone to write "Elvis has left the building". I guess I just did that myself now. (Yes, I know Elvis - or at least his mother - resides in the same building)
  21. She did a bit when she took off her top to get massaged, but, luckily, quickly abandoned that.
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