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Everything posted by moos54

  1. personally I don't like you for many more reasons than the ones you quote 😁 We can all have an opinion on anyone or any situation, what I don't like at all is your disrespect for everyone here Your advanced age and health issues are no excuse for being an asshole without any education because that's exactly what you are I know other people who are like you and who have enough respect towards others even if they do not see things the same way In fact my big problem is that you come to the forum without respecting the forum, and as a moderator, that's what bothers me the most, you're lucky that I'm a tolerant person in general ps: good news for your heart
  2. I feel like I just struck a chord, but yes apparently you may have a heart Now if you didn't come to the forum every day to insult everyone, maybe people would start to like you more
  3. i think we are all Harless but he comes back again and again and again all the time on the forum this is crazy 🤣
  4. There was a quarrel between Hanna and Aaron last night, it was the others who had to mediate he calls Nun all the girls who do nothing, for example Hanna's girlfriend doesn't seem to want to be seen naked in front of the cams, so she doesn't even take a shower, she does took only one with her swimsuit The first evening between Hanna and her girlfriend showed that a rapprochement between the two girls was possible but the girlfriend does not want to exceed certain limits because of the cameras, even while being under the influence of alcohol Aaron isn't a problem
  5. I didn't know you wanted a new party with Nelly and Bogdan in this apartment 🤣
  6. Yeah sorry for that guys😁 Now i need beers like Gina and Stella
  7. Personnellement je m'en fou royalement mais ça te fait plutôt passer pour quelqu'un de plus bête que tu ne dois l'être en réalité tout en sachant que je pense que tu n'es pas bête RLC ne verrouille que temporairement leur caméras gratuites donc elles vont revenir puis repartir vue que c'est leur façon de faire depuis quelques temps Désolé de te dire cela mais tu viens justement de valider mes propos avec l'exemple de canal+ car comme RLC, ils proposent du contenu gratuit temporairement avant de mettre leur site payant, c'est exactement la même chose Par exemple après 21h tu n'as plus de gratuité au sein de canal+, donc si tu veux voir les films ou le sport, il faut sortir la carte bancaire pour te payer un abonnement et avoir un accès complet à tout leur contenu Même chose pour RLC ne t'en déplaise
  8. Je trouve cela un peu bête d'insulter quelques choses alors que tu n'as pas d'abonnement, comme si rlc était dans l'obligation de te donner accès à des caméras gratuitement C'est comme si j'insultais canal+, being sport, netflix ou Amazon prime parce que je peux pas avoir accès à leur contenu alors que je n'ai aucun abonnement Dis moi quelle est la différence si on fait abstraction du contenu et si on réfléchi en terme d'entreprise?
  9. you will be less smart if she replaces the Koala with a Kangaroo 🤣
  10. she didn't want to leave the world of rlc after Russia closed 😁
  11. and me who thought that there were only the participants of rlc who took drugs 🤣
  12. Si tu ouvre les yeux, je dirais plutôt que c'est Leora qui fait comme Radislava car Radislava fait cela depuis plusieurs mois maintenant alors que Leora refait cela que depuis deux jours et le départ de Malia
  13. well I'm going to give you the same answer as you, telling you that I don't look at this apartment, as I don't look at Benjamin's Easy answer but seeing that you yourself do it, I guess it's a good answer to do
  14. yeah not wrong, I saw it with my own eyes when I went to do a sports competition in Barcelona, it was not pretty to see On the other hand, I am not sure that a piece of plastic can really protect against shocks
  15. However, you do not answer my questions Yet you are the subscriber to VHTV, not me So tell me why do I seem to understand what you're looking at better than you do?
  16. Where does Scott sleep most of the time at Benjamin's? It's still not complicated to see that you have the same situation in two different apartments, so why blame one more than the other? Maybe you should open your eyes
  17. About guests? Tell me who are Scott, Stephanie and co in Benjamin's apartment?
  18. Are you saying that in the end Katia is in a better situation than Benjamin because at least she has a place to sleep, even if it's only a sofa 😁
  19. it seems rather cultural to me because there are a lot of girls within RLC (Ukrainians/Russians) who do this kind of thing I guess Vivian is sending a suitcase/bag in advance before leaving next week, she's not the first to do so and probably not the last either.
  20. believe who and what you want, I have already made my choice, I know who I can trust to fill in the blanks and allow me to better understand what I see and what I hear At a time to give, you also have to know how to trust and I have enough experience now to know how to distinguish things from the information that I am given I am not a forum speculator and generally rely solely on the reality of the facts as I can afford to do so, knowing quite a bit of the real thing while often being well informed
  21. Sorry but I don't see any difference, in both cases you have two couples who left the project, replace with a single person, but the couple still living in the apartment as guests The only difference is that you have a participant male in one and a participant female in the other
  22. The two sites don't work the same, it's hard to compare vhtv only puts apartments online on their site, it is the managers who are in the front line judicially speaking because they are the owners of the cameras in general RLC does not work like this VHTV, like RLC, needed to close apartments in Ukraine and Russia from two different managers following police raids with seizure of equipment, however I don't know if there are any legal problems after that, I suppose so I do not know if you recall LifeUnderCam, a site that looked a bit more like RLC than VHTV based in Russia, they also had a police raid with seizure of material in one of their apartment, but on the other hand the site managers did arrest and accuse of procuring and illegal porn Strangely, shortly after RLC took the decision to stop the distribution of apartments in Russia, it is surely there is a logical reason, to prevent legal proceedings and especially the closure of the site. We still do not know exactly the reason, the cause and the consequence of having done this
  23. What is the difference with Benjamin's apartment? Are you also complaining about Scott's presence when Benjamain doesn't even live in this apartment or house? In the end, are the names of the apartments that are so important within VHTV which often has fun at the musical apartments by changing participants every 3 months?
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