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Everything posted by moos54

  1. moos54

    Footy #1

    they play very well
  2. moos54

    Footy #1

    I don't know why but I feel that tomorrow you will be less clever 🤣
  3. moos54

    Footy #1

    i am french, I didn't want such a long orgasm 😁
  4. It's true you're not wrong, although it only lasts two minutes and Nelly still has a glance towards the pallissade Have you ever seen a calm party at B4? because I don't remember it So I think it's hard to compare what you're trying to do
  5. Good to know Same for me but i use emoji most of the time
  6. So I don't know why she was looking at the rlc thumbnails on her phone yesterday during the massage, usually she manages to do it discreetly so that it is not visible unfortunately for her, the living room is not the bedroom 🤣
  7. yes but before that she will need to see on her phone if she is on top cam on rlc like yesterday when Dennis gave her a shoulder massage 🤣
  8. I think people still did not understand that there were neighbors around the villa who seem to have made it clear that it was no longer possible to have big parties at the end of the night like before We can always blame Nelly and Bogdan but I remain convinced that the problem is much deeper than that besides Tesla spoke openly about it. this is also why we have from time to time pool days with most of the gov / cov but that it does not last forever in the evening I may be wrong, but I think the covid crisis makes me feel that the neighbors have come to their villa instead of being stuck in their main residence, the confinements mean that people need space In addition, it must be said that the villa is already known for news items, remember the famous evening where it ended with punches and bloody noses, I guess you have to know how to keep a low profile for a while to be forgotten, because an eviction happened so quickly (Chris and Damon know a thing about it) I also believe that the members quickly forget that this vila and these apartments are real apartments, with real neighbors and real problems
  9. is that it is sometimes difficult to know if you are serious or if you are not because I do not have the impression that you often make jokes 😁
  10. One thing is certain, even if I work very well in my job, I would never be able to touch what some girls manage to do per month.🤣 For a fixed salary, yes I guess he must have one, normal seeing that they sells their image On the other hand, you like me, I don't think that we are 24/7 within our company
  11. This is exactly what I have already done, I think it is enough to read my various comments as well as the other posts on the forum to have a small idea of the thing
  12. I'll tell you a secret, not present in front of the cameras, no bonus, no bonus, no money to go out 😁 Otherwise I don't think their presence in front of the cameras as participants in RLC can be equated with any other work like yours or mine. I think there is already a misunderstanding of this on our part
  13. No I know, I was just doing a general analysis of the situation based on your words For the rest, I am always fascinated to see that we simply remember that a girl is absent in the evening when sometimes she has been present for several days without going out. I feel these girls become objects for some
  14. I understand you, it's true that it's difficult to think for yourself, it's better to wait for someone else to do it for us 🤣 Yet you seem on the right track seeing that Google is our friend 😁
  15. Just like you I'm not either, especially since I'm not English 🤣 However that does not prevent me from making the link by thinking a little more than 5 minutes You will see that finding for yourself is much more glorifying than it seems 😁
  16. Because you really believe that there are people who would like to stay locked in a villa 24/7 in Barcelona, Spain, not far from the sea and in a city where the party is in full swing every day of the week? Wake up guys, they ain't actresses nor prisoners
  17. it's something that I always say, we know what we lose but never what we gain Anyway there will always be some to complain and criticize whatever the participant After that we must also take into account the time of year, for many months we had the same girls but over a winter period and especially with travel restrictions, which meant that the girls were often present. If it weren't for all these restrictions, the girls would also have gone out from time to time and that's one thing I'm sure We are now in summer and there are no more restrictions on movement, bars, restaurants and nightclubs are open again It seems quite normal to me to want to go out after so many months of restriction Let's be honest with ourselves and we would do exactly the same as these girls if we were them, cameras or not cameras
  18. I am in France and it is also a flower in my country, well, it all depends in what sense to take this name I think there are enough clues on the forum to make the link
  19. I thought you were smarter than that than relaying false information 😁 Use your brain and maybe you'll find the right information especially since there are plenty of clues and Mirukawa isn't really hiding who she really is
  20. No it's not her name On the other hand it is not too difficult to know what "Jasmin" refers to 😁
  21. do not believe everything that some members say especially when since the beginning none of his translations have been correct ^^
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