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Everything posted by moos54

  1. if only I had so much power, it would have surely served me well in my past and avoid making mistakes 😁
  2. well he only sees him as a simple human being while you see him as a sexual object
  3. the girls between them seem to have no problem getting naked in front of each other Martina is far from being cautious about that, we could see her at home with her close friends
  4. In view of her condition, I think the girls (Loraine, Amira and Amalia) brought her back to the nearest apartment so that she could rest
  5. we thought we had the best in this project, we just took reality in the face, there is competition outside these walls 🤣
  6. Masha is tall so I guess she prefers men who are her height and not necessarily those who are shorter than her. If we compare this man with whom she is sleeping at the moment, he does not fit into the same category as most of the other guys with whom she has an affair, so that means that the size of the penis is not that important as that and that she finds qualities in him that only she can see
  7. for me yes, she's a guest Do you really think that the participants do not know anyone else in this city apart from those who participate in the same project as them?
  8. So you are telling me that I would never have luck with girls 🤣
  9. Why do you like certain things? if you can answer this question, then you may have the answer For my part, I do not know these people personally so it is difficult to know what they think or what they like and why they can such and such things.
  10. I don't understand what you are asking He is a friend of the girls, he has a romantic relationship with one of the girls, the girls like him It's the only thing I need to know and most of all it's what I see when I look at them
  11. Tu connais le terme amis avec bénéfice? Es tu vraiment sérieux en disant parce qu'ils ne sont plus ensemble, ils ne peuvent plus coucher ensemble? Il va falloir ouvrir les yeux un jour, nous ne sommes plus au 19ème siècles😁 Do you know the term friends with benefit? Are you really serious in saying because they're not together anymore, they can't sleep together anymore? We will have to open our eyes one day, we are no longer in the 19th century 😁
  12. For all these years, we both know who is the best informed, and the worst part is that I do not even need to invent crazy theories like you or even work for RLC as some may think 🤣
  13. ce n'est pas parce que tu pose des questions que je suis obligé d'y répondre J'ai rarement donner des informations personnelles sur les participants que ce soit par mes connaissances sur ceux ci ou parce que j'ai eu des informations de traducteurs officieux en MP, donc je ne vais pas commencer aujourd'hui pour te faire plaisir Tout ce que j'ai à dire c'est que si tu préfère croire tout ce qui se raconte sur le forum sans qu'il y ait de réelle preuve de ces propos, alors cela ne regarde que toi Pour la même conversation, j'ai une toute autre traduction des événements, moi ça me suffit pour savoir en qui je peux avoir confiance si j'ai envie d'avoir des informations, car la ou les personnes qui peuvent m'informer sont des personnes fiables ------------------------------------- It's not because you ask questions that I have to answer them I rarely give any personal information about the participants either because of my knowledge of them or because I had information from unofficial translators in PM, so I will not start today to please you. All I have to say is that if you prefer to believe everything that is being said on the forum without there being any real proof of these words, then that is your own business. For the same conversation, I have a completely different translation of events, that's enough for me to know who I can trust if I want to have information, because the person or people who can inform me are reliable people
  14. You just have to take into account that she cannot see her friends as she would like because of the pandemic This pandemic has allowed her to make new friends by getting closer to the other participants in Barcelona, and they have become friends, whatever some may think, because it is more or less the only thing she can do through in relation to the various measures taken by Spain, even if it does not scrupulously follow all these rules You still have to make a distinction between coming to B4 to party and the life she has when she is at home with Alberto. Because we ourselves are different when we go to visit friends compared to our family life Sometimes I feel like people have forgotten how they behave themselves in real life
  15. Warning there are a guest in this apartment, and it's not Kitty's or Smith's mom 😁
  16. courage, let's flee, should be the slogan of the various participants of RLC Because every time they exceed certain limits, they do like the ostriches by putting their heads in the sand so that we cannot see them 🤣
  17. cool, it's rather a good idea to advance her projects especially since Gina is rather talented in this area
  18. nobody in particular, it was a pretty wise party if we can say that
  19. As I was away yesterday and I had to sleep at the hotel, I did not really pay attention to this party even if I noticed several things First, I wonder why some girls come to this kind of party since they hardly participate to set the mood, especially when they are not the center of everyone's attention. After some will say it's because they knew they should leave early 🤣 Second, every time there is a party in other apartments, Leora and Malia strangely lose their desire for a massage or a joint masturbation, yet they were together on Leora's bed like all the others evenings when they are present in the apartment (increasingly rare 😁) It's like if they know they can't be in topcam, then they don't even try to perform I think we no longer needed proof that they have only been present for this kind of thing for a few months Otherwise in view of the many comments, the party is a success at least for the forum 😁
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