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Everything posted by moos54

  1. sans cautionner ce qu'il a pu faire, crois tu vraiment qu'il est le seul gagnant dans leur relation? Je suis presque certain que si Gina est encore présente au bout d'un an, c'est sûrement grâce au fait qu'elle a entamé une relation avec lui et le fait qu'il est indifférent de la présence des caméras, ça permet à RLC de garder de l'audience et à Gina de se faire des bonus sûrement très intéressant En dehors de cela, ils ont simplement une relation dysfonctionnelle, que l'on peut aussi comparer à toxique, comme des millions de couples à travers le globe ------------------------------------- without endorsing what he may have done, do you really think he's the only winner in their relationship? I am almost certain that if Gina is still present after a year, it is surely thanks to the fact that she has started a relationship with him and the fact that he is indifferent to the presence of the cameras, it allows RLC to keep the audience and Gina to get some very interesting bonuses Apart from that, they simply have a dysfunctional relationship, which can also be compared to toxic, like millions of couples across the globe.
  2. Because there has always been planned that there will only remain one week with Masha in Barcelona I guess Masha just wanted to stay an extra week to be with her friends Nelly and Bogdan
  3. Of course it is possible, seeing that he just did it today 😉
  4. he misheard because the girls called him differently at Masha's But we can call him like that if it suits everyone
  5. he left around 5:00 a.m. from Barcelona today, no it was planned that he would return a week before Masha
  6. Elles vivent dans un appartement avec des caméras de rlc 😁
  7. The problem is that you just see the nudity to please you, I like this moment a lot too but yesterday it was not so bad either, the guy became a friend, everyone is having a good time, we already know from the start that the relationship will surely be platonic because he has a girlfriend, that he seems to want to stay faithful and that in any case he will surely do nothing because of the cameras The girls play it a lot and everyone laughs, the atmosphere is light Personally, I don't expect anything from him but it doesn't bother me to see him in the apartment since the girls are happy to see him Finally, when he is there, the girls are not always with him, for example yesterday he was in the bedroom alone, which did not prevent the girls from doing as they are doing now
  8. this is not the first time that you allow yourself to judge a person too quickly
  9. there is one thing i find funny because i see comments accusing the guy of blocking things, already i wonder what exactly he is blocking and secondly, it is not him who decided to have a skype conversation with Ginger 😁
  10. Ginger is a former participant in Gov's apartment and also Babi's friend, she's the girl on the phone
  11. People doing a different kind of job than what you think
  12. sorry i can't because she isn't. get over it 😁
  13. there are a lot of frustrated men on this forum 🤣
  14. the problem is that it's these little details like you say that make a story credible or not For this shoe story, just go to Christian Dior's shoe-level website to realize that the shoes Mirukawa received do not match the shoes they sell. At worst they are just good copy The bigger the story the more people want to believe it I can only tell you that Mirukawa and Dantez spoke openly about Mirukawa's work with details that prove the opposite of information given here And above all, the important thing is that they are Russians and that they have no particular accent which could make believe that they are from elsewhere, as what others could have made believe It's still a lot of approximation for a person who manages to understand the language
  15. and me who just wanted to make a joke knowing that a party should take place tomorrow 😁
  16. It's true that the Czech guests on the last day at Vanessa's were not really fun 🤣
  17. For this price, do you think they put their teeth on it too? 🤣
  18. yes and I think we called it pandemic because it prevents them from doing a lot of things
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