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Everything posted by moos54

  1. Coco, Milena or Polya fucked with boys at B1 too
  2. She's back today with suitcase, travel bag, pet and boyfriend 😁
  3. Maybe not a brother even if there is a great resemblance between them, but he is in friendzone 😁
  4. If for you girls like Danaya, who masturbate very openly without hiding anything, or girls like Anya, who have sex with one or more partners are fucking jokes or do nothing, then it may not be my vision which is a problem 😁 But now I understand why you're always pissed off and frustrated, and I've been saying this for a long time, rlc is not for you because we understand better now that whatever girls can do, it's never going to be good enough for you
  5. When I see your criteria for determining who the fucking jokes are, I tell myself that current B2 girls have a bright future on RLC 😁
  6. De ce que j'ai pu voir sur RLC et lu sur le forum, c'est vous qui vous Γͺtes avancΓ© sur les Γ©vΓ©nements car rien de ce qui a Γ©tΓ© dit par vous n'a pu Γͺtre vrai πŸ˜„
  7. it's an anti corvette coalition, I think they prefer ferrari 🀣
  8. Look like some will be disappointed to see that Nelly was with Lilith and not with Martina and her family 😁
  9. Sorry to disappoint you but I have no intention of doing what you say 😁
  10. thanks for seeing that i'm right 😁🀣
  11. Sorry to tell you this but your comparison is very bad, when you order a product like the one you quote, you are asked for cooking, so you expect to have the product to order In our case, the product is RLC, that is to say having the possibility of seeing other people through cameras, nowhere do you have an option that says that the girl must have sex outside the sheets I understand that we can be a little frustrated with the situation, the problem is that the criticisms always come from the same people who are never happy with anything no matter what, so it's not at all constructive Beyond the sex under the sheets, I see a lot of interesting things in this relationship between them, and even if this one may only be a brief relationship or a one-night stand There are plenty of things much more interesting than sex, just open your mind and it's a bit like the concept of rlc if you think about it a bit
  12. So if I summarize, Esmi is absent, people criticize her for not sharing her life in front of the cams Zabava brings a guy back, so shares her life in front of the cams but these same people criticize her because they don't have what they wanted to see Guys are never happy with what these girls can do πŸ™ƒ If you want guaranteed visible sex, I think you're in the wrong place, there are specialized sites that can fulfill your desires 😁
  13. it's because you don't know the difference between nudity and sexuality, and this one seems pretty big to me
  14. It wouldn't be the first time one of the girls caught us doing things we didn't think she was capable of. No one thought she could masturbate in front of the cameras, yet she does it anyway No one would think Zabava would bring a guy back to fuck like Marlene or Lavika, yet she did Personally I have no expectations of anyone, so I'm always pleasantly surprised 😁
  15. No, they're two completely different guys.
  16. Attention, this does not fall on deaf ears, I will be able to remind you in due time 😁
  17. She must have had a good reason for wearing a bikini back then
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