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Everything posted by moos54

  1. He isn't new with her but their first time on cams was in B1 few weeks before today, not in B4 Maybe they aren't really together yet as boyfriend and girlfriend but as two people who takes their time to discover the other
  2. I have already expressed my point of view on the subject and I think that you know it otherwise you would not have reacted to my remarks But as you say, tastes and colors are different depending on the person, you like girls like Mathilda, I prefer girls like Esmi And this is the strength of RLC because with participants who act differently, they satisfy all types of subscribers
  3. I have nothing against Mathilda, I simply express my point of view in relation to her behavior within the apartment, and it is easier to compare her since she lives in the same apartment as Esmi All this is pure logic on my part in the end Personally, whether she stays or leaves won't change much for me, when I don't like a person, I look at the others
  4. Je ne tresse des lauriers à personne Et sincèrement, je pense que Esmi respecte plus les abonnés que Mathilda par exemple mais cela n'est que mon point de vue Pour le reste, cela n'est que de la speculation de votre part car vous ne connaissez pas les termes du contrat qui lie cette fille, ou les participants en général, avec RLC Et quand je vois que nous avons des comportements divers et variés selon les participants du projet, je me dis qu'il n'y a pas forcément de clause bien distincte qui prouverait ce que vous pensez être votre vérité
  5. Cela ne me dérange pas qu'on puisse avoir des avis différents sur les gens qu'on regarde, cela engendre le débat, ce qui est le but d'un forum Sauf que tu n'es plus vraiment dans le débat quand tes seuls arguments sont le dénigrement et des insultes envers une autre personne Oui je te parle de ton commentaire insultant envers une participante, et perso c'est plutôt ce genre de commentaires qui moi me font gerbé et qui n'a pas sa place sur un forum Apparemment tu as l'air d'un adulte ayant un âge certain, tu dois avoir appris ce qu'est le respect dans ce cas, il serait bien de l'appliquer dans ce cas car être derrière un pc n'excuse pas tout
  6. donc respecte le point de vue de Rons qui apprécie cette fille et qui donne aussi son avis sur elle et qui est aussi le point de vue de pas mal d'autres personnes de ce forum. Merci
  7. Ne fait pas une généralité de ton simple point de vue personnel
  8. it's well known that the whole world revolves around RLC, I'm surprised you don't know it yet 🤣
  9. If you're careful, it's often that the other participants use other people's phones, I often see it at B1 or B2 for example
  10. that's what they do every time when there's only one girl left in the room I guess Leia is staying and therefore there will probably be a room change in a few days if other girls have to leave. There is also the possibility of making an exchange between Lilith and Leia and that Lilith's girlfriend becomes a participant. It would be easy for RLC but not impossible 😁
  11. I doubt it in view of the papers she had on her bed yesterday or the day before
  12. je dirais plus une connaissance voir peut être même membre de la famille de Carla
  13. guest girl at Carla's with a suitcase, I was sure that this improvised bedroom would not be for Don, as he is very happy on the sofa
  14. we all have different tastes, so we have as much chance of winning as losing by doing this
  15. Kristy and Monica are Russians Zabava and Esmi are Ukrainians Kristy and Zabava became best friends inside the project Nelly and Bogdan are Russians All other B7 people are Ukrainians I have the impression that mixing Ukrainians and Russians works because they are intelligent people who know how to separate things
  16. I think you still haven't understood the concept of these apartments, none of the girls are doomed to stay forever even if the participations are longer than before, Marlene has been on RLC for 8 months, at one point, unfortunately you have to leave room to restore interest in the project It's like a series, they change the cast to attract more audiences, it's make or break, but at least they're trying something
  17. She's not even 30 yet 😁
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