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Everything posted by moos54

  1. By the ems guy? because i think he is the only guy who touch her body recently 😂
  2. Normalement, tout les jours dans la salle de bain et dans sa chambre 😉
  3. Tu arrive à déduire cela d'une simple photo prise a un moment donner? je peux te le confirmer qu'elle connait parfaitement où il se trouve 😉
  4. Si tu comprend bien, je dis simplement à Sifried que la première photos que tu as posté c'est Dalia, comme tu la gentiment présenté Je pense pas que cela m'es destiné du coup, mais plus pour Sifried 😉 Pour le reste, je connais très bien qui est qui 😉
  5. In fact to be honest, I do not care that girls fuck under the sheets or other things that we can blame them for the length of time I often see people complaining while pointing out the fact that they pay a certain amount of money and they expect other things for this Like you, I pay the same amount but I see bigger than them, because I do not stop at one bad evening, I think I'm worth it because it allows me to have access to 25 different apartments with lots of different cultures and lots of pretty girls 😉 Moreover, it allows me, in addition to the participants, to have pictures and videos of many guests in almost all the apartments, which is a real bonus If we go back to Samantha, I agree that last night, the sex was not great with this guy, but it's with him that she seems to want to be now, so I tolerate his presence , hoping always better later, and worse this does not prevent Samantha to show us all her talents, just see her the night before yesterday in bed to play with her pussy 😉
  6. It's only my responsibility, but I'm a voyeur, I pay to see what people want to show us, whether it's good or not If I want to see sex for sex only, then I would go elsewhere, which is not the case Samantha has already proved in the past that she has no problem to fuck without cover, however it is her new boyfriend who seems to have one Over time, when he realizes that thinking about blankets does not allow him to make love to Samantha properly, he will surely change his mind.
  7. because the guy is shy about the cams, nothing else, she already sucked a guy without cover, so it's not a problem for her
  8. Nicole wasn't rlc tenant since a long time now
  9. maybe Irma with Ilona at B1 last year or two years ago she is at b1 right now by the way 😉
  10. Do you remember where and when she lived on rlc?
  11. A lot of barca girls have big boobs 😉
  12. Monica is from all around the world 😂
  13. or Karl friends because he comes from this city
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