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Everything posted by moos54

  1. Just because you're off topic and I do not need to answer that
  2. What do you not understand in the words "lack of respect against me"
  3. Salut Harley Je ne rêve pas, c'est bien toi qui me parle de respect? pourrais tu appliquer tes conseils car je penses qu'en fait tu dois être vachement mal comprit au sein du forum, en fait tu es une personne affectueuse et gentille Mince alors, le traducteur nous fait vraiment de mauvaise blague finallement Moi qui tente toujours de passer par la discussion, je pense que je vais aller au plus simple dans le futur, je ne disctuterai plus pour éviter d'être mal comprit, et du coup je sanctionnerai directement quand les gens seront trop borderline Est ce que cela te conviens plus? par contre faudra pas venir se plaindre Je te mets mon message dans les deux langues, comme cela tu pourra utiliser ton traducteur, vue qu'il a l'air d'être meilleur que le miens ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Harley I do not dream, is it you who speaks to me of respect? could you apply your advice because I think that in fact you must be really badly understood in the forum, in fact you are a funny and kind person Thin then, the translator makes us really bad joke finally I always try to go through the discussion, I think I will go to the simplest in the future, I will not discern more to avoid being misunderstood, and suddenly I will punish directly when people are too borderline Do you agree more? on the other hand will not come to complain I put my message in both languages, so that you can use your translator to you, as it seems to be better than mine
  4. Do not dislike, I never disrespect or insult a member of the forum, because I received an education showing respect for others Now I think that the fact that I use google translate fairly regularly to make me understand, quite often plays on the good understanding of what I really want to say in my native language.
  5. en fait, même si c'est vrai que cet appartement a eu pas mal de soucis, dans n'importe quel appartement, si tu met trop d'appareils électriques en fonctionnement en même temps, les plombs sautent c'est arrivé à B4 il y a deux jours, le problème est que les espagnoles pensent pas qu'en hiver il fait quand même froid ^^
  6. Avec elle c'est comme cela, après tu sais qu'a un moment, ils se réconcilient sur l'oreiller
  7. it's funny to see that everyone is a liar with you @Ridgerunner, especially the moderator, I know that we act as villain but we just apply the rules of this forum with impartiality And you can thank @Thestarider for putting you out of the forum for only a few days because I was gone to ban you definitely more for your lack of respect against me than for your fantasies about Kami's life
  8. it's not about that, it's christmas, so it's normal to have light for decorate but some people prefer to complain because they don't see the better view because of the light i find this crazy, that's all
  9. it's because you post a picture against the rules, that's all and i correct your post, that's all nobody playing games with you, we just apply the rules on this part of the forum
  10. maybe because it's just the first time i put your name in my post, but it's not the first time i hide your topic in this forum because of the broken rules i already wrote once or two before yesterday so that everyone can follow the rules, it's not my fault if you don't want to read it or follow it, some understand now if you want complain about me, it's just not here but in rant and flame topic
  11. I did not want to hurt anybody, and there is nothing personal in my remarks, all post with image that he can make his outside the rules of VHTV that some of you wanted to put in instead, I'm just applying these rules This is not the first time I'm making this kind of talk for him or even others, but he continues to post the same way If I allow myself to quote you directly, it's because you wanted to react, and I have nothing to hide This allows you to understand my point of view but also to others to understand what's going on, sorry but I'm not the biggest follower of MP
  12. yes that's all, and you understand this because you report this kind of post
  13. oui je pense que tu es pas loin de la vérité on voit qu'elle et Sonya sont proches, les informations que j'ai me disent qu'elles sont Parents mais ne confirme pas quel type de Parenté Dans tout les cas, elle ne peut être sa mère car il y a trop peu d'écart au niveau de l'âge qui est encore en dessous de celui des couple de Game of Thrones ^^
  14. Sometimes I do not understand the reactions of the members of this forum You often complain about not having sex 24 / 24h, and when you have sex you are still not happy, at some point you should still know what you really want I do not really see what you are saying about this couple, especially since this is not the first time Betty and Henry have been sleeping together without their respective partners I do not think they're idiots and if they do, it's because all the people involved agree with that Me what I find funny, is to see that some are shocked by that while it is completely normal that Misty chained the guys or that some like Drew fuck with all the girls of VH ^^
  15. it's not our fault, this UM downtime is about the new software serveur
  16. @bean1111 it's for you, please take a minute for reading this before posting pics Specifically for VHTV Apartment Boards & Topics *8) VHTV Has Requested when Posting any Videos that you use the Attachments Center Only. Posting any Videos using Third Party Hosting Sites or Links from External Websites will be Removed. Also when Posting Pictures it Must Have the Voyeur-House.TV Logo in the Bottom Right Corner of the Picture Visible. Now you kow why every times, we deleted your post, it's not difficult to follow this rules, thanks
  17. She did with two different man since she joign the project I don't think cuddling is for the cams, all the girls love really each others And yes i love seeing kaley in the tub every day
  18. You forgot bates on the tub, cuddling roomates and having sex on the bedroom time to time The real life of a pretty girl in fact
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