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Everything posted by moos54

  1. salut petite question, pourquoi tu ne le fait pas toi, car vue tout les détails que tu donnes, tu as l'air d'avoir était présent du début jusqu’à la fin de l'action
  2. Well they are just guest and they went in this room just for smoking ;-)
  3. Because people want to see people smoke their cigarettes and see them do nothing at all ^^ this room is simply a second restroom with a window that allows them to smoke not to go out on the balcony Besides most of the time it is used by the guest, in case you did not know the principle, they are people, often friends, who have no interest with RLC to do things in front of the cams This couple is pretty good, they spent a good party of the evening in the bathroom, it is even find topless when she did not really want to show in front of the cams It's a pity to always see the same negative comment for a small detail of 5 minutes while everything else is great to look at Besides, I find it a shame not to see any more comment about Anabel who is a perfect girl and very pleasant to discover day after day
  4. ok i talk about another girl ^^ thanks to correct me
  5. layne try something with sometime isn't it so if it's this girl, it's the first she show a part of her body in cam ^^
  6. she's the girl who is sleep on the couch most of the time? the shy girl?
  7. I don't remember a shy guest on all threesome with Nina and Kira The last of them was very good To see :-)
  8. Rlc is fake for you Most of apartment are real couple ^^ Nina and Kira are a real lesbians couple I don't think we can comparate rlc and vh anyway Two different project with the same purpose, please customers and make money
  9. Quel est ton point de vue sur le fait de remettre un ancien commentaire de ma part car excuse moi mais est ce j'ai mis une photo ou quoi que ce soit donnant l'identité de Nita Djoko avait mis une photo personnel d'une des participantes, d'où mon message
  10. Good joke Sergio But she said on her social media she stay only one month in barcelona
  11. Je crois qu'ils attendent que tu arrêtes de te plaindre tout les jours ^^ Jusqu'ici ce couple est parfait, sûrement un problème passager car ils sont très amoureux l'un de l'autre, ils ont fêter récemment leurs anniversaire de rencontre
  12. You talk to me about this night when at the beginning you react to what I say about Leona again you are off topic or you change the subject You've seen 3 videos, it's good for you, now seeing the whole thing you could put everything in the right context, finally if you get there
  13. When you become a premium member, we may be able to discuss Personally I only judge what I see and not what I know about girls and yet I think I know a lot more than you Have a good night
  14. It's not to defend who or anything, but did you really see a Porn Star in the apartment? because I just saw a normal girl who just came to Barcelona to take pictures, like most other participants. Her professional background helps to be comfortable in front of the cams, but Victoria or Renata gives us exactly the same pictures as Leona now and yet they are not part of the same environment It's a shame to judge a girl because we know some information instead of enjoying her stay in the apartment
  15. I do not have all the answers but after verification in my archives, the older of the two would seem to be the mother of Kristy who already came last year
  16. the guests aren't kristy's mother, her mother was here before and slept with kristy when kami was with egor
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