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Everything posted by moos54

  1. On a des règles sur le forum, pas d'informations personnels sur les participants sur le forum publique, si quelqu'un veut te répondre il devra le faire en message privé (PM) Merci
  2. I'm going to talk in general, not that we believe that we think we are for other things than members concerned by the well being of this forum, but @ridgerunner, you would not have problems with the authority, in all its forms Each time, you have to look for the conflict when you know that you are outside the rules The rules, you have them everywhere in life, I suppose that you respect them a minimum in your life otherwise you would not be here to discuss with us So if you get to it in your personal life, why do not you come to this forum, it's still not complicated
  3. @ed2 what do you think about this comment if it's me who said this, i am pretty sure you said i am bating this forum
  4. Same here, i am done because you don't want understand what i try to say
  5. If we look at the trend of the results of your poll, I think we can already say that the majority do not really care about whether or not they use condoms
  6. i never trying to bait you, I'm just telling the reality about RLC whether you like it or not
  7. maybe that's why there has three or four girls pregnant
  8. I'm going to repeat myself but from the beginning when you subscribe to RLC, you know what project you are going into, by paying, you agree not to understand everything if you do not have the necessary knowledge to understand the Russian language
  9. there is just one thing that you do not take into account is that it is not rlc who lives in front of the cams and the different couples can do what they want
  10. encore une nouvelle victime qui va devoir l'embrasser sans allez plus loin, elle est cruelle ^^ moi j'adore ses trois filles, elles commencent à être de plus en plus libérer sous les douches ou le bain , c'est de bon augure pour la suite Et pis en plus je dois dire qu'elles sont toutes aussi jolies
  11. they fuck openly in the bedroom, then later on the couch, Robert after being completely empty by her beautiful, masturbates Lana on the couch again, and the only thing you remember is that they left for a tiny time in the toilet, it's me or you ask for it can be a little too much
  12. je suis d'accord avec toi, le haut c'est bon elle gère plutôt bien, reste plus que le bas maintenant ;-)
  13. @K.Lane please read the rules before sharing pics please pics with watermarks VHTV only, thank you
  14. @Howard we have rules for sharing pics and vids on VHTV thread, vids only with attachment center and pics with VHTV watermarks thanks you for your understanding
  15. Et elles ont aussi de beaux arguments qui font qu'on devient vite addict :-)
  16. leora and paul are on Rlc since four years and a half, they are on a long relationship, maybe that's why they don't use condom
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