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Everything posted by moos54

  1. Lana is an vacation ^^ she's a top RLC girl, she's not shy at all and she loves making sex in all the apartment
  2. maybe she's not cheating, maybe she's broke up with stepan and she start a new relationship
  3. her name is add in vh, so it's add also in CC ;-)
  4. I say not the opposite on the flat of the apartment, only on the existence of VH, after maybe just to leave a little time to this flat to develop, Rome is not built in 1 days either
  5. Small problem, VH to not quite 1 years of existence, so I do not know what you were looking before but it was not VH ^^
  6. i hope this guest come back soon, she's very hot yes we know what you are doing here little naughty girl ^^
  7. when she and serge fucked on the couch this morning , she was not pissed at all ^^
  8. nothing happened last night with the guest because the girl was a little shy in front of the cam, but he can't stop touch her ;-)
  9. just my thought but i think you are wrong, she communicate in the phone with her mother most of the time ;-) tonight she just looking porn
  10. in the living room it's scarlett and oleg, they fucked this night already ^^
  11. second time she masturbate on the toilet, the first time was when she take a shower, pretty hot this guest ^^
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