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Everything posted by moos54

  1. magical word "pay for see" not for understand all they doing ^^
  2. I did not disrespect you, I just ask you not to continue in your quest to want to know everything, because people denied you this privilege You tend to always insist on making your point of view prevail I just wanted that we do not waste our time on this personal thing that is just a quarrel it's my last message about this, thanks
  3. Maybe because I'm a moderator and I'm watching the common sense of the forum
  4. What's your problem with the balconies, you find it fun to watch people smoking and talking because that's exactly what you see in Barcelona
  5. Sr71gn, if there are so many people who understand them, you only have to ask them, groomy decided not to talk about it, it is his decision and that respect It is also called decency, sometimes all truths is not necessarily good to know On the other hand, you begin to go beyond the limits to insist heavily, either you accept or you keep silent Thanks for your understanding
  6. When you registered on this site, you were aware that they were from another country than yours and that the language barrier would be a brake for a good understanding Groomy had the kindness to share things through in the pass but he was not obliged to do so, and so show that he understands the language They have couples problems like any couples, no need to go into detail in my humble opinion
  7. On peut pas dire que Demid soit le plus expressif des petits copains ;-) pour le moment ne tirons pas de conclusion hatives même si nous avons de gros doute pour la suite
  8. You forgot the restroom for washing her hair ;-), she did this today It's a shame, with the hot weaver, people killed for have a jacuzy ^^
  9. crane d’œuf comme tu l'appel est simplement son frère où du moins elle le considère comme tel, et elle avait pas vraiment la tête d'une personne qui part faire la fête si tu veux mon avis si ils se séparent en plus de déménager cela va être un moment pas facile pour Dasha et Demid, donc un petit peu de respect pour eux serais sympa ils ont quand même passer presque 3 ans avec nous et mérite au moins cela
  10. she has a great body, now i understand why it's a shame she's hidding before
  11. That they leave the RLC project, I think that is obvious ;-) That they separate, I do not know yet, it is true that Dasha does not seem to be hyper happy at this moment of moves, but Demid was never the most demonstrative of the boyfriends
  12. vue qu'elle lui a bander les yeux et attacher les mains, oui c’était pas pour lui faire un café ^^
  13. it's not my opinion, it's the reality my friend, they go and make concerts together, nina is a good singer
  14. in fact, Nina and doe-eyes are very closed because they have the same passion for music And seen what they have done all three recently, there is no need to talk about cheating
  15. i'am happy, you are reason ;-) this night, guest brunette don't shy and show her body, this morning it's the turn of the little sister nice day in this apartment :-)
  16. It gives me hope on the contrary, because if a man say normal, finally like me, happens to have a girlfriend as pretty as teya, then everything is possible
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