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Everything posted by cacjc

  1. (The Image Content is no longer accessible and has been removed). I Tawt I Taw a Puddy Tat
  2. They are very boring party people anyone would think it's a wake
  3. Can someone explain to me what's happening in this photo It looks like domestic violence Yaric all over again or is it just a bit of fun
  4. It could be a simple mistake people do make mistakes you know even moderators
  5. She might have had a small opportunity to have the house to herself
  6. When I check my connection out of 5 bars I'm normally 2 or 3
  7. I am away from the wi-fi modem so it could be my connection I will try a booster on the modem to try and get a stronger signal thanks Maturin
  8. How live can these cams be really? Everytime a cam stops because someone has made a sudden movement they just continue on from where they left off EG;i was watching the guest in Zoya's appartment walking in the room the cam paused like they alway's do on RLC for about 10 seconds when it got going again it just started where it left off
  9. Who knows with these 2 they could be fucking like rabbits tomorrow
  10. I think the guy was more worried about covering up than she was
  11. Ok fill me in ive been away working is this Jitka?
  12. She is giving all the hints he is not taking them
  13. (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  14. Someone asked a week or so ago ''what's next for this couple?'' the answer Beastiality (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  15. He wears the same pair of underwear all the time too or he has a drawer full of underwear the same colour
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