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Everything posted by MrBox

  1. I am also not into BDSM at all, but as long as she seams to like this kind of sex, i not rate this negativ. They seam to work as a couple very well and are likeable and energetic people. Efim has his own personality, that is sure. But i think, RLC need more people like them, which are nice to watch and open enough to share a real part of there "Real Life" with the viewers. ? Sure, they can never replace N&B, because they play in a different league. But there are a lot of other apartments (with couples and especially the teasing only ones) I would like to see replaced with them. ... Nobody is perfect, but they seams to fit very well to RLC. ?
  2. Now, it seams as the girls are trapped in an mix of "Real" and "Faked". ... Any time when visitors are there (including her BF) we see the "Real" and any time when they get cozy we see the "Fake". ... It will be interesting to see how this apartment will go on, because someday they will disappoint both sides of the viewers. ... They can not have a "Real Life" and a "SHOW" at the same time. ... ? But they could also not have a "Real Life" and be so restrained regarding sex as there are now. Especially this 30-60 sec masturbations shows by Kristy and the sexless visit of the BF are almost an insult to the viewer. I can not imagine how a sane human can take this show for real. Do not get me wrong, I like the girls, but ultimately, they try to get away very cheap even though they got the best apartment that RLC has offered until now and probably a good payment too. ... ? If the visting girl was a candidate for a spot in this apartment, it could be posible that this apartment will see a replacement very fast. This could also be the best possibility for RLC to implement an improvment to this apartment. At least, I would love to see something more "Real" this time. ... ?
  3. First of all, i do not watch her show. But, I suspect that most of her guests on CAM4 are actually RLC customers (or at least viewers). ... So, if it is ok that Blue destroys the spirtit of RLC with porn, I know no reason to pretend that this girl has no relation with RLC at all. ... The error is done by Blue in using RLC as a platform to achieve a greater viewer count. ... ? ... Not by the viewers. There will be always people who would like to manipulate the residents of RLC. This people do not think far enough to recognize that any influencing destroy what makes RLC so good. Because of this, the residents need to avoid these platforms and ignore this requests as good as posible, i think. ... She did not (to make money) and is why she is the one to blame. ... ?
  4. I agree. ... ? ... Just why there are always caressing each other. ... ? ... I mean, when so many here say this is a real apartment. ... Should then this behavior not be real too? ... ? ... So it seams there are two possibilities: Not real ... teasing only ... apartment ... ? ... or Lesbians ... who deny their passion ... ? I do not know. ? ... ? ... Maybe they just want to find a few new viewers. ... ?
  5. This is all? ??? I'm really disappointed. :poke: ... Come on snaky you can do this better. :) To me it seams that this message fit very well to all rules. :lmao: If not, I am sure that euromike69 would had posted something else. :) "guilty verdict" ... :haha: :haha: :haha: ... Come on. :)
  6. :yeahbaby: :yeahbaby: :yeahbaby: :clap: :clap:[glow=red,2,300]OMG, BOTH GIRLS HAVE SEX NOW![/glow] :clap: :clap: :yeahbaby: :yeahbaby: :yeahbaby: :woohoo: ... I think. And of course, not in this apartment (with all the cameras there).
  7. Yes. It would be nice to see them in there own apartment. :) .... With all the cameras that are wasted for the teasing only apartments, they should also consider to spend something into real ones. :)
  8. Yes. Presumably, You're right. ... The girls do not do the maketing, the maketing of RLC is done by the people of RLC. :) ... The girls did their marketing to get the contract with RLC and maybe to find other assignments. One example could be there listing on modeling agencies (someone posted a link here some time ago). The decisions to keep the whole apartment limited to paying viewers seams to be driven by the intention to increase the number of paying customers (not freeloaders ;) ). That kind of decision belongs in the area of marketing (marketing contains much more than just advertising) and seams to be smart because at least here in this forum there is a very big trend towards to leechers and this people know the girls already. ... In this case, the better marketing could be to limit the freely available cameras to make the the product (the one that the people are paying for) more worthable. Yes. They did not do the same show as e.g. Irma and Ilona. But, Actually, they did a lot of teasing (caress legs, lie closely in bed, ...). Do you really think that would do this without the cameras? ??? It is still some kind of show for the viewers. It seams clear that the girls have an interest in keeping a high viewer count in this apartment and I suspect this is because there is some kind of a bonus system implemented. It should not be different as other apartments. It should just be real. :) ... Any difference to this (like to avoid sex at all) is not a good sign. ... It indicate a show. They do not need to do thinks on free cam to show it to the freeloaders, because there are people like you that show all this to the public and make this kind of marketing posible. ... The idea is very simple: "If they do not pay, there are stuck in images and will miss the big event (that some here are still hoping for and that will never happen ;) ). Maybe it is time to consider a rejoin. ... " The marketing is not generated by the girls. It belongs to the people behind RLC. The participation of the girls is just a part of the product they are selling. Everything very nice and happy and it could also be real. .... Considering the participation of the girls, this apartment seams to be more worth that the one in barcelona, but they are still very limited in comparison to the couples in the other apartments. When this means that the "Real Life" is limited in the way as in this apartment, it seams to be a bad idea to have only one side of a couple in contract. Sex is a part of the "Real Life" of people and should be included, i think. That Kamila do not want to go as far as Kristy with this kind of show do not mean that it is not a show. .... They speed a strangely long time with teasing eachother (at least in one direction and applicable for each session and they stay in summation). .... I think it is because this is a part of the teasing show for the viewers. At least this seams to be a reasonable explanation. I am also pretty sure that Kamila would stop any real attempt of her BF, because she do not want to have sex in front of the cameras. ... This is what I call "teasing only" and this is a part of the show they present to us as "Real Life". BTW, That these movements under the bed blanket is related to real masturbation seams to me very unlikely. 45$ are to less to be upset. Everyone can cancel there payment, so there is no issue in this point. ... This do not mean that i would not like to see a different development. I think nearly the opposite. It seams this apatment is only one additional step in an negativ develpment of RLC towards artificiality. ... They have this deveploment in two kinds. ... First, there are the [glow=red,2,300]teasing only apartments[/glow] (like this one and the one in barcelona). Second, There are [glow=red,2,300]"porn" elements[/glow] in the some of the other apartments like "Blue on CAM4" and the "Sex visits of Efim with GF". For me it is not clear how much of this development is actually planned by the people behind RLC. ... The only thing i know is that is do not like this direction. [glow=red,2,300]I prefere more apartments with normal couples like N&B and S&H.[/glow] I like your post a lot, because you found a lot of good arguments. :) ... Unfortunately, these arguments do not fit so well with the problem that I see.
  9. Your argument always comes down to the same result: "Stop viewing". :-\ ... I like a lot of the apartments in RLC and have decided to pay for it. ... That do not mean that i like all the developments and would not sometimes prefere other decision as they were made by RLC. ... I also like to discuss this and will not stop doing so, because you state the same recommendation endlessly. ... You need to have some arguments. Yes it is. At least to some extent. ... And why should i not be a bit selfish? ??? After all, I pay to see "Real Life" for fun and not as a charity. :) ... What is your opinion in replacing half of the apartments with homeless guys? ... Do you like the idea? ... Hmm. Maybe not? ??? ... I think, You simply liked the show of Blue. ... That is ok and also a bit selfish, because you use here situation to your advantage. ... Please accept, that i do not like this development, because I prefere the "Real" over the "Porn". That is all. I do not consider her current situation, because i simply do not know anything for real. Do you know the story of the lemmings? ??? ... Just because one does it, do not mean that it is correct or good. ... And even hundreds doing the same do not change anything about it. ... It could still be wrong. As you mentioned before, i am a bit selfish in this point but i do not intent to punish the residents or the viewers. I'm not a judge and do not need to make a decision. I just would like to see them replaced. That is all. BTW, this is also how the world works. As i mentioned before, this is always your recommendation without giving any real argument to support it. ... If you have some real arguements, now, it is time to write them down so that we can have a serious discussion. ... I'm looking forward to it. :)
  10. I really agree with this idea, but i am very sure that there are some agreements between the residents and RLC. Otherwise it would probably not work, because the residents could limit themselves like C&J and still keep the apartments. ... Ultimately, "Reality" in a project like RLC also means to overcome the shyness and to try to life as good as posible like in an apartment without cameras (even if there are present 24/7 and in almost every room). I agree. This is not the case any more, because she started to get in contact with the viewers. Some of us ask her to move the chair so that the RLC cam had a better view. :doh: ... That should not be posible in RLC. ... She should also not had moved the chair to block the view of the camera in the first place. :-\ ... Both are negative developments, because there are not real (as in an apartment without cameras). BTW, I will not comment her life circumstances. But a little thought, I have after all: I have nothing against the decision. But no one should needto sell his body, because of money issues and i am pretty sure that it is not necessary in europa to do so. Usually there is everywhere a sufficient social network established. I think they should close this apartment, because it is not real any more and it was also not fun to watch anyway. Please do not tell me, that the residents are not meant to be entertaining. I know this and still prefer apartment that are exciting (while and because they are real) as N&B and H&S. Ultimately, RLC needs both. Nice and good looking residents and their participation to the idea.
  11. Do you know VV? ??? They had also a very nice viewer bost as they started to have this porn shows there. ... Just have a short look. ... All very quiet there now. :) I do not attack anyone and just write my opinion. This should be possible in a forum, isnt it? ??? ... Why there is never a post complaining about an accumulation of unneeded positiv comments? ??? ... Not everything on RLC is fine and a negative development (like the non real apartments) should be allowed to discuss.
  12. I would like to see new apartments, too. ... Maybe this time they could add normal ones with nice people, like N&B or S&H. ... That would be fun. :) .... But this apartment is nonsensical now. ... Porn production on RLC. :-\ ... Too bad. ... And considering that the newly born porn actor was the only interresing person living in this apartment, there is no reason to keep it running. ... Sorry. ... Better a quick end as to allow a secound Tver (or should i say third, counting Voro too) in RLC. :( Unbelievable. ... ??? ... Really stupid. ... But as long as it is not my money. ... I only dislike that RLC has now a third non real apartment. ... No idea where this journey will lead.
  13. 775 token = ~ € 155. :screwy: ... It is not possible to understand that, for me. Sorry. That's just stupid, i think. My goodness, RLC is on a very bad path now. :-\ ... I really hope they will stop this porn production soon. ... The best would be to take this whole apartment offline, i think. :dwarf:
  14. :wtf: jpierre2121 spend (425 Tokens) --> ~85€ :screwy: ... Whey the hell did someone spend so much money to a show? ??? ... Especially when it is so poorly done. :lmao:
  15. Why all of you think that she masturbated for real and not only pretended doing so. Did you all not notice that all these covered masturbation shows in the girls apartment (and the very few here) follow the same schema (very short, no acceleration to the end, ridiculous movements as orgasm to ensure that everyone of the viewers recognizes). To me, all this seams way out of the normal masturbation pattern. If they really do not want to be seen, they would do in quite, ensure that they turned away from the cameras or even do it somewere of the cameras. They want to be seen in doing something but do not want to show what it is. The simplest explanation is that they are all just pretent to masturbate (to have some kind of show) and need to cover it up so that no one see the obvious for real. ... This is a teasing apartment with real life elements that is not compareable to the normal couple apartments. All the couples needed to overcome there shyness. They are comitted to the project and make the whole thing valuable. The girls are fun to watch, that is sure, but be to be honest, they work just with the imagination of the viewers. I strongly suspect that Kamilla and BF had sex already. They are able to speend time together (because the are not located in different areas) so it would be normal to have sex. It is not real to limit the sex to the apartment of the BF (due to the cameras in this apartment). ... It need to be that simple, because if real means to behave like with the cameras, all the couples would not do anything close to sex or nudity. ... They all needed to overcome there self limitation. ... Also the girls did this to a very limited part by showing nudity in front of the cameras. ... That it is. ... They are limited to a very few selected parts of there "Real Life" and will most probably do not change this because it seams to be there agreement with RLC. ... It is a teasing apartment.
  16. I did not saw this "event" and i do not want to see it, too. :-\ ... Honestly, I am convinced that she will never masturbate in front of the cameras (not above and also not under the blanket). :( ... So, This was most likely a faked one. :-\ What happened to this place? ??? ... This apartment was fun (at least from time to time). ... Now it is not fun (expect the few weeks with Irma and Anna) and completely without sex. ... The curent girls are either out, asleep or doing there nude teasing work hours. :no: ... No real life. No show. Just boring time and a 24/7 TV running. :doh: Meanwhile, I hope not even more that new girls will bring improvement. :-\ ... Based on the duration of the free spot and the current cast, I suspect that the RLC make this apartment more and more boring on purpose to reduce the disappointment for an already planned shutdown. ??? ...... And what should i say? ... It works. ... This apartment is ready to be closed. :'( Why did they not provide this apartment (or a other one) to Nora for real. ... Now they have this all teasing only people there, for what? ... A real shame.
  17. Maybe porn should be a limit and the influence by the viewers (like the one you get if you pay her to do a show). ... But, I had all this discussion already (about VV). ... It is like a fireworks. A good show that will end fast. ... If she continue to have this daily event, it will just take a week (maybe two) and you might understand what i mean. ... Now it seams just to exciting.
  18. It could also be that they just lost a bit more reality. ... We have now nude only apartments and start to see some porn. ... Clear. All this can be interpreted as diversity, but diversity do not automatically means improvement. ... And again. ... Just consider VV and see how different they are in comparison to RLC. I think, It is a very bad idea to have a direct feedback from the viewers to the residents. Especially, if money is used to create an influence. ... That is exactly the opposite of what i hope to see on RLC.
  19. If this is the case, but maybe she just use her popularity in RLC to make some (or a lot of) extra money. ... Latest when other start to do eqal, the fun will be over soon. ... Please, just consider VV and you will see what i mean. :-\ BTW, she is still a nice girl. ... I simply do not like this RLC to CAM4 connection.
  20. That is my point. ... We should not talk to the residents, because it kill the reality, i think. ... If everyone speak to them, RLC would be just a new version of CAM4. ... "Please do this", "Please do that" and this will make the residents to dolls who perform shows for the viewers and do not have there life there any more. Just consider VV and see what kind of content they offer. Petra started it and now .... :( .... i hope this will not happen to RLC. Why the people always use this argument? ??? ... I have paid for all apartments as RLC and not as a CAM4 clone. I appreciate that. :) I like honest and open discussions. :yes:
  21. Blocking the cams will you make happy? ??? ... CAM4 is real life? ??? ... I think, it is porn. Do you not see the similarity to VV? ... Everyone was happy to see tham having so many sex and do it all the time and everywere. ... It was not real, but the people liked it a lot. ... Just have a look now. ... VV is almost dead. ... There is no "real" there any more.
  22. No argument? ??? Blocking the camera is not an argument? ??? ... Me at least upset that. I do not like it. ... I have paid for real life. ... This shows create a connection between viewers and residents that should not be there and destroys the "Real". ... It is a bad development, because it is simply the same as in VV. ... :( ... It is porn, now.
  23. :wtf: I see this action very negative. ... Residents start to do shows for money. :-\ ... It is like to ask for money twice. ... Do I pay for real life or for Cam4 shows?!? ??? ... RLC start to goes the same way as VV :( In addition it seams that she deliberately blocked the view in RLC. ... Very bad development. :(
  24. Because there is no sense in stating the obvious (= "This apartment is filled with the most beautiful girls ever in RLC and they also happen to have a very nice personality" again and again. I like to discuss the things that are not immediately obvious, because there are normaly different opinions. This trip will not be convenient at all. :( ... What question did I miss?
  25. That happen for me with the apartment of M&S. They have way to much sex for my taste. :) ... But there are still very nice people. I think, this project is not about sex. ... It is about the real life and wich normaly include sex as a part. ... If people decide not to have sex in front of the cameras (even if they have sex somewere else) it is similar to avoid to be seen naked (like C&J). ... For me, it is simply a different level of participation into the project. ... That do not make this apartment boring or useless.
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