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Everything posted by MrBox

  1. A bit exaggerated, i think. Currently there are two couples that are hiding: D&D and C&J. ... But I think that C&J only have to get used to the cameras. They have been more open each time and I still hope they will be the first couple in this apartment that is not a mistake. ... Especially since they are otherwise really ideal (good looking, nice people, fun to watch). :) ... However, this may take a few more days (or even weeks), I guess. D&D are a different case. They had open sex for quite some time and are now simply not with the projekt any more. :-\
  2. No. I pay for cameras showing some real life (including all, the sex and the card game). ... To watch only sex there is porn. To watch live sex there are cam chat pages like the one petra seams to work on now. ... If you read the text on there front page, you see what this page was about before they tried to fulfill this desire for permanent sex. ... Now they are not more than staged porn in an useless format. ... They simply killed almost all reality. Strange, because they spend so much work to do so and are now again arrived at almost nothing.
  3. I am happy with RLC. :) ... Porn is fine and can be fun to watch. But i prefer to see something real (including sex). ... The effort VV is spending into the project is simply to much for porn, i think. They should try to keep it as real as posible. ... That does not mean without sex. But it means that sex alone is not enough. ... No idea why this is so hard to understand.
  4. That's all happened already and the result is the current situation. ... Did you count the number of people they put into this show and burned them straight immediately. ... It simply did not work and it will also not work in the future. ... But keep on dreaming. They will continue their show and you can try to convince yourself that it is real.
  5. The answer is very simple: It is there work to join the "party".
  6. The scenario you describe sounds impossible if it should be real and not desirable if it would be staged. ... Wow. You describe exactly the opposite of what I want to see. ??? ... The scenario you describe would end in a 24/7 porn production and fell like a big version of Tver. Petra is by far the most artificial part of there hole project. She also organizes all these unnecessary Tver games and has sex most likely on command of VV only. She is the essence for making Tver so boring. ... What VV realy need are people like the current guests (also there over new year). They are real and fun. ... Too bad it will not happen. :(
  7. Are this images are actual from today. ... That would mean that they have stopped to hide (at least one time). ... I would not have thought that. Update: Hidden sex again. So it seams to be a old image. ??? ... How little I can endure the two. I really see forward to the day they will left the project. :) ... I hope it's over soon.
  8. Because of tattoos? ??? ... Your loss. ;) ... They seams to be a nice couple (so far the best in this apartment). :) ... Maybe you should have a second look. ;)
  9. This list is way to long. ... If an apartment is boring to you it does not mean that it must be changed, because other people could be still interrested. ... RLC should ensure that they offer enough exciting apartments for most of the customers, i think. In the past they worsened in this matter even though the number of apartments has increased and therefore i can understand your disappointment. ... Now it seams as they start to get back in shape, due to some come backs (Ma&St, C&M and S&H), some nice guests (e.g. Efim and GF) and some new people like C&J (restart of the most boring apartment ever with a nice couple that could be perfect if they overcome there shyness). :) For me only D&D are a clear no go, because they are hiding, witch seams to be out of the idea of the project. :-\ But that's another topic and can be discussed in there thread.
  10. Are you aware of the concept that you can unlock the other cameras if you pay? ... With all these leechers here it is easy to forget, but ultimately RLC provide a service that we need to pay for. The free cams are only advertising.
  11. With all couples in this apartment it begins very restrained. ... But unlike they predecessors, they are a real couple (care for each other; are in love; ...) and I also see a real change that they will overcome there shyness and get used to the cameras.
  12. I think it is important not to see everything always so negative in this forum. ... If you want to see real people, you will also see real tattoos, because they are still quite normal and a way to express themselves for some people. ... She looks very nice and they seams to be a nice couple. That is more importent as tattoos, i think. :)
  13. Yes they are very boring. ... But what makes this apartment so nonsensical is the hiding of D&D. This contradicts all the expectations I had into such a project and i have no idea why RLC goes along with this. ... The whole thing is just plain annoying to me, because I simply dislike freeloaders. :-\ ... Slowly I lose the hope that RLC will kick them out. ... But maybe someday .... ;)
  14. RLC is not designed to create new stars or public people. Instead it seams they do a lot to keep the identities a secret. Ultimately, exactly the opposite of what you use to base your conclusion on. It should be quite enough to see what the girls like to show to us by there own decision, because everything else could take something from them that they might not want to provide to us. This has somehow also a lot to do with respect. ... Just respect there private life more than your desire for entertainment. ... That should be possible. :)
  15. You just need to consider that they are more spirited. Whether they are having fun or argue. ... I like them. ... They have a nice small candlelight dinner and everything's seams to be fine again. :)
  16. No. This is so wrong and icky. :-\ ... Sorry. :( ... Used Panties. :puke:
  17. You can always say that a person fits bad into the group which has already formed (even if i think this is not the case here). ... Just imagin she would have been the first who has moved there. ... Would you say that she is a bad person? ??? ... I hope not, because she makes a nice impression on me. ... To call someone "bad" just because you liked someone else more is not fair. This apartment can only be fun for the girls if they get respect for they commitment. ... And one thing is sure. ... If the girls do not have fun, we would not have fun to watch them. :) The best thing to do is to wish all the best to Irma and say that it would be nice to see her back. :welcome: ... This is respect and we need more of it in this forum, i think. :)
  18. This is what they do. It is there workplace and they are just bad entertainers. ... Can you remember when Tanya and Dizi danced there? That was nice, because it was real. Now they just try to provide what thay think the customers want to see. ... That has always been so in Tver and also has a lot to do with the false expectation in this forum.
  19. >:( ... :wtf:... This forum had a lot of nonsense. But your post is disgusting. :screwy: ... What's going on here? :( ... Where is the respect? :(
  20. I liked Irma and i like Layla. There is no good and bad in this apartment. :) ... It was clear that Irma will go sometime, because this is part of the concept of this appartment. Maybe, she will be back sometime. 8) But for now, it does not make sense to call a person "bad" which is obviously very nice and personable. ... Why is this forum always so negativ?
  21. There is no need to argue. :hi: But there is also no need to call a apartment dead when three nice girls live there. ... Just be fair, give them a change to adapt and keep in mind that this will take more than a few hours. :) ... This is what i meant with patience.
  22. Irma is not even a day away and we have comments like this. That's ridiculous. :doh: ... RLC requires patience. ... So please, if you do not have patience, move to VV and get bored there. ;) All the girls are very nice and much better than most of what was there before. ... So, There is no reason to change. :) ... If you feel pain by watching the stream, you should consult a doctor or just move on to a different page. 8)
  23. Irma is one of the best girls ever in this apartment and will be missed for sure. ... Lets hope she will come back. :) But for now, her leave does not mean that this place will not be fun to watch any more. ... It will just be different. ... Why is this forum always so exaggerated. ??? ... Give the other girls some time to adapt to the new situation. ... All four are really sympathetic. ... We should not forget that. :)
  24. Today there was a lot of positive developments in RLC. ... C&M are back for really and not just in there apartment. :) ... S&H (with nice guest) ended there vacation. Nice to have them back. :) ... Ilona did some party. ;) M&S had sex again, without to wait 6 weeks again. :) ... Only D&D are still the same freeloaders. :( .... How awesome the RLC day would have been, if they had taken offline the apartment today. ... Too bad. ... But tomorrow would be fine too. ;)
  25. Wow. The are serious. :) ... Carla is back again. ... Really a lot of positive surprises today. :) ... :welcome:
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