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Everything posted by MrBox
It was more when Irma and Anna left. ... Now this place is unfortunately very arbitrary. ... :( ... It also seems to me as if the times in which the apartment is not fully occupied are getting longer with each leave. :( The only ray of hope is Danaya. :) ... But she need meaningful roommates to be able to shine. ... An half empty apartment with one shy girl will not be nice to watch.
I think you evaluate the whole situation wrong. :-\ The guest is simply a guest and S&H are simply a couple. There will be no sex between the guests and S&H. This is normal and no reason to be disappointed. :) I consider them as one of the top three couples on RLC, because there are very nice people, with nice friends and they participate very nice in the project. :hi:
This is exactly what I suspected. The girls have some teasing inside the apartment and there life takes place outside. :-\ ... All this develops in some way equal to Sara and her BF. Is somehow a bad trend after the leave of Nora. :( Now there are five girls who are "nude only" on RLC (former resident considered). Since the restart of the girls apartment there were only Irma and Anna (very brief before her leave) with some kind of real openness that was not even comparable to Nora. But both girls were very short residents of the project. ... Now it seams, there is not the slightest development in the direction of sex. Considering the quality of the apartment, I find that somewhat disappointing.
It's RITA now !!!
MrBox replied to See's topic in Kristy, Maracuya, Alana, Rosalie - (02/03/16 - 06/19/19)
If they still have this lags, i will not be here in a few month. :( -
It's RITA now !!!
MrBox replied to See's topic in Kristy, Maracuya, Alana, Rosalie - (02/03/16 - 06/19/19)
The event with the bear is a very good example. ... Nice to watch but a downright irritating short visit. I do not think that we will see anything real of there relationship. :-\ Many events are included in the other apartments that i would also like to see here. Maybe you could ask yourself the following questions: ... Were do you think they would have an argument? ... Were do you think they would have sex? All this and more will most likely never be seen in this apartment and is clearly present in the other real apartments. ... Yes, in the other apartments both sides of the relationships are contracted. But the fact remains that i think that a shared residence (one or both apartments) in an relationship is so typical that it should be a part of the project and is not negligible. ... Here perhaps lies the great difference to the other girls apartment. Due to there location and there vacation (or work?) trip status, it was always to expected not to see an relationship there. But in this apartment we see people at "home" with there relationships probably very close (at least close enough for a visit). ... If they do not speed time together in the apartment it will be no real life at all. I do not expect anything more between the girls. I never did. ... But, Nora had open sex regularly (with Kiko or by herself) and all the other apartments (except the teasing only ones) also show this kind of event. Maybe, because sex is a part of the normal life of people. ... But the lack of sex will always br something you can use to differ the real from the teasing ones. -
It's RITA now !!!
MrBox replied to See's topic in Kristy, Maracuya, Alana, Rosalie - (02/03/16 - 06/19/19)
Some people do not know any limit. :-\ ... We should have much more respect for the residents in general. But, I also think that you overrated how much the girls are dedicated to the project. ... Actually, they share just a very small part of their private lives with us. ... For a brief moment I had hoped that it will be a real apartment (including all the thinks that are included in the couple apartments, too). Now i think, the only difference to the restarted girls apartment will be that some frinds will visit from time to time. ... The real life of the girls will take place outside of the apartment. :( ... The best example are Kamila and her BF, because we will most likely never see them for real. ... It is like with Sara. ... Some teasing in the apartment and the real life outside. ... There are nice people, so it can still be fun to watch. But we should also be fair and avoid expressions like "they share so much pf their lives with us", because in comparision to othere apartments they simply do not. ... This do not make them bad people. ... It simply means that i hope for a pattern similar to the other girls apartment, were the nude only girls are limited to 1-3 month. ... I still hope i am wrong and they will participate like Nora. But I suspect, that the probability of this is very low. :-\ -
I have so many camera lags that this is not interressting any more. ... Almost each time something exciting happened the quality goes down to nearly not useable any more. ... This could not be the best month ever! :-\
There Is A God!!!
MrBox replied to adeofavante's topic in B#4 Cassie, Alessa, Sharon, Aziza, Madison, Lunette (11/11/15)
:doh: ... This statement is a kind of arrogant, inconsequential and a little stupid too. :-\ ... It is simly her life and and while she get paid you are probably the one who pays. And even if you are one of the freeloaders, you still spend time watching her. So who waste his life? ??? Just show resprect, please. She is a nice girl and there is no reason for pity or anger. ... Expect, that the stream quality is getting worse every day. :( So many lags. :-\ -
MrBox replied to mid4hiking's topic in B#4 Cassie, Alessa, Sharon, Aziza, Madison, Lunette (11/11/15)
This is what i think is very likely the most meaningful opinion here. ... She is still a very nice girl, but a change could be nice too. :) ... But the change of Ilona could also be a bad idea, because Adele seams to be a restrained person. Would they now also swap Ilona against an introverted personality, it could be very fast extremely boring there. ... No matter what some here think of Ilona, if she like, she can be very powerful. :) Ultimately, it probably does not matter. ... The times of Nora are long gone. With ever day she is not part of this apartment, it is getting more clearly that she was there for real (including all the thinks missing now). :-\ -
I do not think so. :) ... I think she will not have sex at all in this apartment.
MrBox replied to mid4hiking's topic in B#4 Cassie, Alessa, Sharon, Aziza, Madison, Lunette (11/11/15)
This can be seen clearly by read your answer. :) It is a shame that we will not discuss this in detail. ;) I have no issue to accept your contribution as an opinion and I can only recommend to use corresponding expressions (like: "I think" or "my opinion is") to keep this clearly. ... Opinions are much more frugal than facts. But we could also refrain to express those. Especially if they could falsely do wrong to a person. ... It is your decision. :) -
MrBox replied to mid4hiking's topic in B#4 Cassie, Alessa, Sharon, Aziza, Madison, Lunette (11/11/15)
Yes, when you conclude something you should also give a meaningful statement. Especially if it is about a person. ... This is the way to arguing, if you want to be taken seriously. Yes. It seams that she like to be in the center point. That is all I can agree on. ... The rest do not fit to my observation. ... If you want to convince, you need to add a little more detail. ... It is simply not sufficient to describe an apple as something edible with a shell when you use this pattern to classify a dish with different fruits. This is far too general. You did. ... To me, She seams to be a nice person and I do not understand why she is rated so differently from you. ... BTW, i would also like to see her leaving, since three months seem long enough for nude only, but this is a different topic. -
MrBox replied to mid4hiking's topic in B#4 Cassie, Alessa, Sharon, Aziza, Madison, Lunette (11/11/15)
Very nice that a few hollywood movies are almost equal to a meaningful education. So everyone can base his conclusions on well known facts. .:doh: ... Why are so many people in this forum are constantly looking for an good and an evil girl in this apartment? ??? ... She is nothing of that, like all the other girls before. -
He does make a very sympathetic impression and seams to be a very good fit for her. :) ... I am still wondering how he moved that thing to the apartment. ;) ... A very short visit, but he could be a nice guy. I had suspected that this apartment will get superficially very fast, but it seams to be a real one this time. ... Very nice. :)
MrBox replied to mid4hiking's topic in B#4 Cassie, Alessa, Sharon, Aziza, Madison, Lunette (11/11/15)
It's so sad to see how the girls get hated because of nothing. >:( ... No idea why that happens again and again in this forum, but who writes something like you should perhaps better worry about his own behavior. :-\ Maybe it is time for her to leave (3 month should be the limit for nude only ;) ), but she is nevertheless a very positive human being. :) ... Just a little bit more respect, please. You know that the grils are aware about the cameras. They simply do not want do have sex (including masturbation) in front of the cameras. ... I would also like to see some sex there, but your conclusions are clearly based on the assumption that this is real apartment. ... Small tip: It's just a show (some nude some teasing, that is all). -
Now we have a pattern that reminds me of Sara (in the girls apartment). ... It is still to early to have a reasonable opinion, but ..... :-\ ..... Lets see how it goes on. If the girls decide to move out, RLC will have at least a very nice apartment for some other residents. :) I liked Kiko and i would love to see them as real couples (with BF's) in this apartment, but .... :-\ .... Lets see how it goes on.
MrBox replied to mid4hiking's topic in B#4 Cassie, Alessa, Sharon, Aziza, Madison, Lunette (11/11/15)
Total unexpected but i like that she is back. :) -
MrBox replied to slider_69's topic in Random Discussion
Based on your CC account, i assume that you know of the content of RLC (in general; maybe not about each resident). ... It still seams that you decided not to pay. ... If this is because the free cams and CC are sufficient for you, it could be a more efficent to reduce the free camera apartments to increase your motivation to subscribe (due to the missing live experience). Maybe they should think about some kind of rotation. Each day only 2-5 apartments with a few free cameras. :woohoo: