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Everything posted by rebliz

  1. I can't find on my lexicon or in the dictionary the right word for what this apartment has become
  2. Are you ready for a next new fetishist session with Leather\Latex clothes???????????? Update: Running one is ropes again with Masha
  3. There is one more imported the hole between her legs ok lets say two holes 😊
  4. I'm curious to know how many bottles of beer she drank today Every time I saw her she have one
  5. Some don't understand some don't want to because they like to watch it I tried several times to say but almost no one liked it
  6. As Masha lying on bed now in the dark she looks really pretty. But...….
  7. In medical circles this is defined as a mental disorder of the both sides
  8. I don't care what panties she'll put in. She interesting me just as last year's snow
  9. It seems to me that bringing girls were popular in the past indicates on the RLC distress that Choose recently Girls of "all welcome" and probably cheaper
  10. Is Milena bating??? She is sitting in the jacuzzi reading a book and moving. Could the bubbles replace the handiwork?
  11. The truth? I didn't notice what iss written. Her behavior brought me to the same conclusion Apparently the people around her see and read and take advantage of it for their enjoyment
  12. There are two options He is an acquaintance of Sophia and she invited him He prefers Sophia over Masha
  13. I think that from now on we will see quite regularly two figures in the apartment the rope man and the guy from Christmas Eve
  14. Good afternoon Italian Sexy Girl - Piper speaking well Russian without Italian accent So? is she Italian or Russian?
  15. What happened suddenly that the Barbie dolls joined to M&M???????
  16. It's not RLC fault it's human nature or that what you meant by RLC
  17. Matters of facts I myself starting to tie the edges BTW' why P&T dismantles the ropes? back to the subject as more I watching I starting to understand what I heard and read on the past. People getting bored of regular activities that have done and are looking for newer and more exciting interest (I concentrate more on these people we see and not at all the weirdest people in the world) They are together 24/7 and no wonder the couples are looking for it. You can exclude Maracuya&Eiden who have intensive sex everyday and only settle for human contact without sex toys. Others are not satisfied with it and need something more than human touch, Sophia for example uses an additional vibrator while intercourse so is Piper & Taylor others need more stimulating costumes and find new sex games every day
  18. Meanwhile, Nelly and Bogdan are also busy with another sex fantasies, pouring over all her body hot candles vax
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