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Everything posted by Frankster

  1. There is a notice on Lorraine on B7 that she's on vacation. Maybe she's moving in with Samson, but a quick vacation with Olga first, so they go UM because of a new cleaning lady, as in the old days. It's changed to Samson and Thor on vacation now
  2. No, it was Samson and Thor in that clip, filmed in B1. Seems to be on May 13th, between 14 and 15, where the appartment went dark, and the sofa was moved after they came back EDIT: Saw the clip again in the archive, and it was not Samson and Thor, but her ex.
  3. Hope it's Megan that gets the top floor. But fear it is the Twins again.
  4. Easy math says that there are two more girls arriving soon, and Kristy and Alana are good enough friends to sleep together.
  5. Don't worry, the scheduled smoke break is coming up very soon
  6. Quick ggogliung says you cant disturbe neighbours between 21 and 08 in Barcelona
  7. the door from the livingroom right by the speaker was open all night.
  8. The definition of Gay must be guys at party with halvnaked girls taking out a chessboard to play by themselves...
  9. And now we know why Lola looks so old for her age. Nasty shit injecting stuff in her face.
  10. Last time Lola was here, she didn't do anything other than using B2 as a hotelroom to sleep in. Anna wasn't much better.
  11. Riya and Hanna sisters? Seeing them in nightvision on the balcony, Riya has many of the same face features as Hanna
  12. Wonder which kind of drugs Gina is on, she looks really out of it. Looks 15years older than the first time she came to RLC.
  13. Pour blonde guest, caught between tho bossy bitches (Sera and her BF)
  14. thats the best example yes, but there where more nights like that too.
  15. That's why I said "at times". Many times Nicole was great, others just there.
  16. That's why I said "at times". Many times Nicole was great, others just there.
  17. Seems like Serafima does what Nicole used to do at times, just be there to get the RLC party bonus, but just thinking she's too good for this. Looks like she only walking around to get a glimps of herself in a reflectiv surface. If she and Gina left, this could be fun.
  18. RLC you have a job to do. Get their guest that came with the dog today an appartment ASAP. She could be a contender to Leora in looks and attention.
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