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Posts posted by sat11

  1. image.jpg

    i am beginning to feel sorry for this girl, i like charlie she is the nicest of all this lot, some body commented a while back akira and charlie are the real, the  best couple, so i watched them particularly their interaction with out sex, what i observed was completely different, what i watch

    1. if it does not involve sex all the time he is on the phone(some times she when she is giving him head)

    2. she follow him around he seems bothers by the distraction from his phone or tv

    3. they never seem to have fun even conversation (which he does not seem to have no problem with petra and    ivo).

    4. all i see is her feeling frustrated and pacing in Lv like expecting father outside delivery room. and a few moor...

    my conclusion is maybe they were a proper couple with affection laughter and joy, after she moved in, from a weekend getting together to being around each other  all time made him bored of her or may be he feels stack having sex with only one girl when the ivo could have full time sex with any one with out commitment.

    so why do i feel sorry for her i think she came to be with him because she seems to really like him. that's why i think they have too much sex because that's the only thing they seem to do together.the others to have fun with each other more, (real or fake)

    may be my definition of real couple is different than others.

    what do you think??

    from what i have seen she might one day soon decides to leave from frustration and having an argument, that would be very sad.

  2. The reason is because they did it behind her back. Nastya was part of the threesome so she didn't mind it happening. But the fact that the Messa had been rejecting her and then turned around and fucked Christy behind her back (plus the way that she found out) is what set her over the top.

    as well as built up frustration

  3. this two are bonding, actually they are becoming a real couple, i even say more than charli and akira, they are more affectionate, i think she is in love with the guy maybe she was from the first day she mate him and he is worming up to her, yes he still spend more time on his phone which seems to annoy her very much and they seem to be bothered by the cams now, last night they try to do some sexy game for the cam playing card and  the looser do sexy stuff the first was showing her ass for the cam which she did not mind that much the second thime she lost giving him a blow job which she did not want to do but did a quick one after a lot of hesitation the third i think asked for more she no they talked he even pointed and looked to the camera a few times and decided to give up the game all together and just sat unhappy with their phone for awhile,  then went and lay on his lap  and start chatting , what she want  is a proper relationship with out this games, i think its spoiling her idea of proper couple not performers,  that means this place is a wrong place for her, now they are a couple living in their own place with out any intrusion from other people, unfortunately soon there will be others, that will be a big challenge for her.

    that was nice to see except no sex part even tho it was extremely boring. she will never do sex out side BR (exception in the bath in the dark which i missed any way ) unless forced to do so to stay,the only thing spoiled it to me was bordem and knowing how they got to this point by destroying two good people.

    it will be very interesting to see what she will do  if the next people are singles.

  4. i guess some people watched too long they start to believe this is their life, like to get involve in the life of the residents, i am not going to involve with that conversation.

    i say this, for me it is simple it is a show of other people life i am just watching and i have the choice of watching or not . personally i am interested in them living their lives which means people have a lough, cry, have sex, sit and watching tv or on their phone for hours and also fight, argue and be mean to each other  that is how life is,this people livening their life i want to watch the good time and the bad time of their life that the full experience of the show(voyeur) if i see some thing i do not like i have a choice of watching something else. i do not get evolve my self in their life. just express an opinion of what i see, my life is not that perfect that i dictate how other people live their lives. 

    to go to this voyeur sites watch  and think you are involved and live there, seems a bit sad .i think its called living in your fantasy as if it is your real life. :( :( :(

  5. for me she is not pretty or sexy, and that thong  is not doing any thing to excite me, her boobs are a chubby girl boobs( not like dizi or charli), and she is one of the (or the 3rd)worst human being to come to vv, she destroyed my enjoyment of this apartment in less than a week. i don't get people wine about him he might not a considerate person toward the girls but he has been doing his job once a or twice a day, all i think of a reason people to complain about him his he is  having sex  with two girls and they are jealous of him and the same time thy complain his refusal of her demand for sex. he needs his break. by the way as long as she is there when the new people move in all we are going to get is more drama than sex.

    one more point we are peeping through the window(camera in this case) we watch what is happening with out demanding that's why its called the voyeur villa, if you want to direct get a job at vv. yes i am a bit disappointed by people for saying nastya should leave i am emailing vv  bla bla and now we stack watching the most boring apartment,

    yes i some times write about the people, but i am just sharing my feeling toward this people here, some times strongly like i do about cristy she destroyed two nice people to get what she wanted and give us the most boring apartment, be fore you call me a hippocrates, i dont heat chrisy i just dont like the kind of person she is, hate is disliking some one with out a resone because the way they dress, walk or talk or spent too much time in toilet or on the sofa playing with their phone, i always try to remember this is ther life not mine.

  6. the only exiting thing happed last night bruno mars visited the apartment, oh wait that was not bruno that was just messa i guess noting exiting happened.

    before you download, it is just christy and massea dancing, if you have seen them dancing before save your time computer space


  7. maybe he is thinking she is getting the wrong idea of their relationship, may be he is trying to keep his option open for the next girl that way if he start screwing the next girl it wont be complicated otherwise he will be stack with her but it all depending which one will be first a guy or a girl

  8. to me they are more of a tease than actual sex , they do every thing in the LR and go to bed room to have sex i guess they are using each room as its purpose bed room for sleep and sex, LR for entertaining.

  9. she craves affection or attention than nastya she just do it in a smart way by menuplating people around her than crying or clinging, when she storm out of the LR and to bedroom he suppose to follow her that what usually people do and make it up to her

  10. This is just my opinion....

    There is straight, gay and bi. This not three simple categories as bi has many shades, eg man who prefers females but will also have another man to man who prefers men but will also have a female.

    I think that Messa fits into the bi, latter category. The way he moves and his general demeanor is very reminiscent of the gay people I have known.

    Also, I think that most hetro males of that age, faced with a cute, almost naked girl, wanting to have sex, would not act the way he does.

    I could be wrong, but if I am, this guy has a very low sex drive!


    maybe after all who said only the girls do it, i mean except a few most of the women here been with each other or may be he is been getting it too much its start to get boring for him with out that excitement of cheating, juggling two girls and all that
  11. they are not trying to get the attention of the other because there is no competition if there were someoneelss there they would their best to get the attention of the other, now it looks they are just doing it to entertain not for each other, he would prefer come home eat play with his phone have sex go to sleep, she is to entertain for the cam. they are not in the same page

  12. Watching Christy dance for Messa when she was trying seduce him away from Nastya was so much more fun and hotter to watch with the added anticipation and suspense. Now is just not the same.

    we have seen the same dance so many times its not that exiting any more

  13. But some might be happy not to see Nastya dancing and to have all the day the loud music...

    i did not mean nastya was dancing actually she spent most of the time in her room but christy was putting the music and dance as well as a singalong all the time now all she want is snaggle in his arm and watch tv.

    welcome to the 14th apartment of RLC

  14. Agreed.

    What I like the most on Charlie is her beautiful smile and the fact that she wears glasses.

    I have a thing for women with glasses.

    you must have spent a lot of time in a library as a young man :lmao:

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