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Posts posted by sat11

  1. i dont know why bet i really don't like seen charly acting like akiras dog, she has been doing it now for over a week, some reason i want her to have a bit of dignity than the others


  2. i think it will be fine if they all singles with out this coupling and just have sex whom ever thy want at a moment of passion, no snicking no games to cheat on each other for me that is what makes it wrong, they should just have there party and fuck each others brain out that will be simple and fun to watch, other wise make it like rlc and stick to it.

  3. the problem would be petra will bring ivo all the time and that will interrupt voron, specialy if they going to bring other guys for the two girls, i've never seen petra actually having sex with any guy except ivo.

  4. i think they already knew he was leaving, all that her sleeping by herself doing a single show (masturbation) they were trying to get us used to her being by her self when he is left and till they get new people, last few days they just sit there till show time around 1 or 2 am the go back to theyer thing phone or tv. at least since she likes snicking around and have sex now ivo can come here pretending to go to the shop or some thing.

  5. No big surprise, Messa leaving. He basically booted himself out by locking out Christy. But, I do have some sympathy for him as he was shunned, ignored, abandoned. 12 people out in 3 months, wow! This site just eats people alive! And Christy, much as I may love her spirit, sexiness, etc., is a tornado destroying VV. Hopefully, they will get a guy or two for her soon. Otherwise, she may break up Ivo and Sonia also. Ivo though is as much responsible for the flirting as Christy. He is the one who put her cellphone down his pants for her to get. Christy needs a guy who can tame her, much as Sonia tamed Ivo and Charlie tamed Akira. Maybe she needs two guys since she can't stand one guy at a time.

    Firs thing Mr 1010 my apology, for my strongly openiated post earlier, yes most thing a agry  with you except hen it games to the vero people and I always enjoy reading your posts because they came from sincere place not to look good or just to say  the right thing so my post toward you never ment as an insult.

    Mr snake you always came across as know it all every one just listen to me my point of view is always right, so that's why I never bother to read your post so I don't give a shit for what you say.

  6. Yes It is real for them and that is why I have strong opinion of their action, but I ment for us. What ever this people do its just entertainment, see them as characters hate them or love them  have opinions of them.

    Personally I think the worest human being in vv are Christy and petra, Christy is a sociopath  who cares very littel about the coincidence ofcher action as long as she get what she wants and petra corrupt this young girls and pimp them to ivo, and I wine about them but they are part of the  show but never go out on a campaign of character removal.

  7. Wow, I just saw Messa take the key out of the front door lock! And he partially trashed the living room, at least tore down pictures. They  have to get him out. Just like with Nastya, even though Christy somewhat deserved what she got,  Christy drives them crazy, then they do something crazy and are kicked out. Messa preventing the unlocking of the door merits dismissal. And like with Nastya, he becomes a sympathetic figure despite his problems, thanks to Christy.

    Wow!!! You are on this guy back, I never seen any one so abcest of getting rid of messa like you, even Christy is not trying that much hard, its just a show just relax and enjoy it, this are not real people In a scene that they should not affect you

  8. I don't think this is her plan. And there is a huge problem . We don't know if all  involved parties agree with situation.  Do just nothing and you already have disaster. Christy will go back for sure.Or  Situation will become simply unbearable.

    she is not moving to tver,  not yet first she has to entice ivo and create a rift between ivo and sonya then get rid of sonya from the apartment or just spend more and more time there till sonya feels uncomfortable and leave then move in, if that does not work there is another challenge called akira .she deserve this she work for it.

  9. Christy is the winner . Sonia has lost. The first kiss....


    2nd kiss and she started grabbing his hair...

    winning ivo is not winning sonya won last time some one else next time and so on..they  dont win they will have sex with him that all what elss does he give her grind her till she become like sonya a sex toy

  10. And sure we don't like that.  So what was that.  Lesson never learned???? Or played part of the script.

    i think her coming here was planned 3 days a go, she has been sleeping alone for the last couple of days getting distant from messa, her plan  started from the first day she visited tver

  11. tver is their main show apartment vero is a staging area where hey keep people antill they need replacement for tver, its a spare room so if thy put people no one will watch tver they don't want that because the main people petra,  ivo and akira are the main characters the rest are extras

  12. petra does not look happy messa messing up the plan she suppose to seduce him while ivo make out next room with christy ,just like they did with  phil before they move to the sex part with dizi and sonya  its all a routine.

    now sthey can christy and ivo take the bed room petra and sonya take the coutch

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