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Posts posted by sat11

  1. And she is move in Christy bedroom ??? WTF now it's going to be even less sex. It look like!!! I mean ok maybe lesbian sex.

    just may be she is for akira, bring her first here for a few days then by accident she meets akira in a party here or tver then she move in with him, some thing like that so we dont think it is planed or arranged

  2. i find it a bit weird that every time they have sex akira  get naked and sit on the bed, he used to do it with petra before charlie moved in now with sonia once or twice or joining is ok  but every day, some times he even masturbates, i guess ivo needs audience, and akira he did not seem that much in to sex when he had charlie  now he looks desperate. it is off putting for me to be honest. he could watch from out side the door is open

  3. i guess the show already started it a different kind BDSM, they decided  to make us partspate by torturing us till we say the safe word. what fun!!! i cant take it any more some body say the word  .  :lmao:

  4. Good evening, mr1010. You should really read the unread posts first ;)

    The new guy signed a contract, which means he will stay and they are waiting for the porn couple, because they are going to start a bdsm show.

    Twitter: "Wow, some inside info - Voro is planning to learn/play/do #BDSM stuff in 30-45 mins. Hot stuff!"

    That announcement was from an hour ago.

    may be that is why they slap each other. btw this announcement takes spontaneity out of it makes it feel fake even it is fake i like to think thy do whatever they do with feeling and joy because they are having fun not a scheduled sex show, now i know whatever they are doing now is just killing time.

  5. lets hope the other day was not for audition, she seem to like him and let us hope he is as sexoholic as her, other wise he will be like messa. he has to be a special person to live with christy for weeks because she has a lot of moods. i like this two they are easy to watch and not tainted by cheating or sealing someones bf.

    this game become a right of passage for joining voro.

  6. Pictures for the police department or application for a model agency??? from 13-19:00 hrs?







    apparently she like girls and also sometimes she works as model agent, that could be christ's application or modelling agencies 

  7. They didn't just came in apt. VV invited them, hired them!!!! WHY?  Because they are sinking titanic and they will use all possible and available resources just to do something to save VV as business.

    DID you get wider picture or you need more help to understand ?????

    if that is true they haven't done much to help vv, christy is doing that 100 % more than them, that is bad investment, even they are semi pro they would at list be interesting and entertaining.

    that explain why they have no passion for each other, they must be business partners on the job

  8. Well, you're the one along with others that kept saying how much  you wanted a couple in there. Now you have one, and apparently that is what they like to do... arts and crafts. Accept it.

    Edit: and looks like Ivo and Sonia about to fuck. Must be real awkward for Christy in there.

    How many of those people are watching veto now?????

  9. When every thing fells shake that ass. I think that's why they invited her for the new guy, she should just take him home i don't think he is not going to get any more hornier an less she for waits ivo to finish

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