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Posts posted by sat11

  1. i noticed reading post of most of the people here who hate messa, i came to the conclusion you hate him not for what he does  but what he represent about your self he remind of you, in real life you act just like him and you hate that about yourselves so you transfer all the thing you hate about your self like not good with women, not having a a girl or you cant treat your wife or gf the way you think you should but too lasy to get up and give her a hug show her affection because you are not good at it so you see your self in him you hate him(actually you heat your self) in your fantasy you tell your self if i had a girl like her i would do much better than him.

    except sex she does nothing for him being moody all the time

    do i think he is a great guy not really all i see he tries more than her to co exist , i dont know what you people watching but all evening he has been trying to cheer her up all she is doing is like a little girl pauting on that sofa  on her phone

  2. Are you serious? Have you watched them at all today? He's been acting like a prick since he came home. She cleaned the apartment again and he claims she doesn't do anything and "sits there like a princess". Just now he poured water on her leg almost making her cry. Also making fun of her art. He had a chance to make things right but his problem is he can't accept fault when it's really his. Always accusing other people.

    Another thing is he only wants things his way. He only wants to listen to his music, and watch movies he wants to watch. You can't build a good relationship this way.

    yes i saw that  all he did was drope some water  as a play not with bad intention, she just starteld as any one does she screamed gave him a finger and laughed and he brought a towel and dried her leg,you should take off i heat messa glass when you watch them, as she doing nothing all day yes she clean the leaving room except that she lay on the sofa all afternoon just before he came in she got up and went shower and sat on the sofa wining while waiting for her dinner which he cooks by the way

  3. can some body tell me honestly christy is not best treated girl i vv ?, t know we say a lot of shit about messa but the truth is he treats christy a lot better than the others even when she act like spoilt brat. he cooks ,try to make her laugh shows her respect more than he did to nastya i guess. if she goes to tver she will learn how good she has it with messa, now she is not appreciating it because she has not seen the others.

  4. things really need to change in voro. Christy and messa are not working out well. it seems like VV don't care about voro.  I don't watch tver and Im almost done with voro too.  im canceling on Monday.  theres nothing exciting to watch.

    the show will start in about 3 or 4 hours time its like a clock work, hung in there!!!

  5. christy does not want sex she want to do a sex show which messa does not want to,  he wants to have sex with her but not do a show.that is their main problem.

    there are 4 type of people here

    1 ivo and akira - they just want to have sex they dont care about any thing else

    2 petra and  christy - they like to preform for cam

    3 charlie and messa just have sex with the their people with out acting

    4 sonya just do what is needed of her whether just sex or a show

  6. i dont get some people they come here and try to be politically correct, yes calling some one name is wrong, and what she did or does is wrong its wrong its that simple and yet people argument is you cant call her names because she is doing what men are doing,ok people calling ivo messa and akira all kind of names and yet non of this people who are standing up for women' s right said you cant call him that, in fact they are the ones who is been calling them names, so tht makes them pretentious ignorant does int it?

    if a man is doing it its wrong and  a women doing it its wrong.

    anther point for me women and men are not the same thats why they are not all called men or women, for a women to act like a man (feminism which does not stand for equal right all humans is just sexism). why cant a women be a women and still be strong, independent, smartand decent human being, this are not reserved only for men.

  7. This is why she went to Tver seeking out some fun. This of course immediately brought out the sexually immature slut shamers, a strange and frankly scary bunch. For one thing, they seem to fail to recognize the pulpit they are preaching from.

    sex is addictive because we associate it pleasure ,some times whether it is good or bad you want more of it,she had fun now she wants more than she gets at home(no mater how much sex you get at home it wont be the same as that forbidden one), may be she feel stack here with massa and that gives unconsciously resentment because she might feel he is in her way from having that pleasure, she knows how to get rid of people  by playing the neglected, sad, bored and start say or do small thing which seem nothing for us but for him it would pise him off and stop taking to her or be distant and she pretand she is traying hard to be close to him but he is refusing that's how she makes him look bad and play the victim, she is an expert menu-plating situation , be side when she masturbated yesterday she did not want him there it was her show  to let vv and  us know that she could entertain by her self with out having sex with messa, that's why she chose that room and covered the door with a new long blacket so he wont interrupt her show.

  8. i i try not to say who should stay or who leave, but if they want to get rid of ppl they should  kick all of them(7). fortunately no mater how many people they bring it will get boring after while, maybe they should  change all of them  every month or so, of course that will have its own draw back people wont care if they know they are staying short time, still they will have people who want to fun instead of forced fun to stay

  9. Akira was a schmuck to Tanya. Remember that bondage night right before she left? You would rather have had that Akira? At least Charlie tames him,

    what you taking about he treat charlie like shit, she did not tame him in fact the other way around  he changed her to this sad i do any thing for you person, taking  about bondage thing, he does it to charlie too , because charlie is pretty and you like her so you pretend not to see any thing bad about her, she follows him to much and he keeps move away from her, if it is any one else you would have said she is clingy ....

    the last few days i kept hearing a puppy barking noise i thought it is maybe a ring tone, then i found out it is charlie he treats her like a dog now she started acting just like one, getting down her hands and knee bark wiggle her ass raise her one hand to shake on command like a obedient dog, that was is not even when they were playing the game while she is playing dog he just walked away to play with phone leaving her on the floor still playing dog.

    be cause i like charlie some times it is hard watching her




    he just walked away


    the pic make it they are having fun but its not

    i know it s the wrong thread but to put the pic, but when you like ppl, you blindly argue about ppl no matter what is happening or you see

  10. he may be a loner or not attentive... but how many of you have sex today ,yesterday ,before yesterday....i am guessing none, because no mater how hot the girl is in this case she is not that much, no one can have sex every day specially with the same girl unless they are sexholic in that case they need help not a cam. what she is doing is just a show which defeat he purpose of a voyeur which is normal people living a normal life and  you get to watch them have sex on their time other wise it will become a sex show which you can watch on chaterbet or similar site. i want to see ppl more affectionate, loving, caring and watch them make love than preform a sex act just for the show. here you wait  for hours and you get to see 10 min session then you see two strangers sitting on a sofa or sleep. they have been doing that since nastya left all they do is preform a 10 min show every night same time same place like a clock work so predictable how f***boring is that.

  11. i wouldnt dought it sat11 as long as she gets whats she wants.thats the way i see it.its all about her and fuck the rest.she we have sex with ivor sooner or later but shes not my girl so she can have sex with who ever she wants.

    i know every body think christy a strong minded girl but look sonya she was independent and vibrant kind of girl once she went to tver she become a sex toy for petra and ivo, now she looks always sad waiting antill she is needed for sax and sex games and above all she doesn't seem doing it for her pleasure, that how christy will end up until she get replaced by new comer, i cant say i fell sorry for her if that happens, it will be carma.

  12. they had sex 5 min ago now they are arguing most likely it would be about her visit to tver. or its a show that when she goes to tver and have sex we would not think that they are kind of together. she is good playing this games make the other person look bad so she get what she wants and she tested the life of tver it wont be long before she start working on getting rid of messa, we will see a lot of argument even crying and her complaining and more and more visit from tver and to tver.

    by next week petra will bring the game to voron

  13. she did not have sex with ivo, she dance for him shaked her ass for him, may be she was drank or too horny all that sex around her she showed interest in him, may be sonya was there for now, its her first day, give her a chance, she will end up with ivo its when and how soon, petra is on the case its.

  14. Did you ever stop to consider that maybe Christy actually WANTS to be sexually adventurous and do fun things for herself, for HER enjoyment? Why does she automatically have to be just some sex toy for someone else?

    they all seem to end up like that after a while

  15. what is next 4some? its getting ridicules one girl will leave soon( 4 girls and 2 guys ), when sonya came to this situation( involve ivo) dizi had to leave when charli moved in tanya had to leave, may be vv knows when one girl is leaving so gradually introduce a sex partner for the guys before she leaves. that way they they will have continuity.

    all this just to bring christy to the fold,petra is expert seducing the girls for ivo thats how she keep him,and vv provide the girls. all week tver was quite now all the sudden they are alive please, its for ivo and christy. she does not seem to need invitation ether. sonya even hiding tn the bed room




  16. WOOW that was fast not even 15 min and she is back :( :( :(

    went back for shower may be expecting more than just sex game. which group is she going to destroy now, ivos easy one but she does not like sharing and cant get rid of petra so easly so may be she goes after akyra, but she will start by getting rid of sonya first since ivo always like a new girl.

  17. Back to the Tver fucking up Voro again. If they would fix the window in the door and add a couple more cameras and bring in a new couple maybe Voro could survive on its own.

    maybe she is bored here so she is gone there to see which one to get rid of so she can move in there, poor sonya she would be the easy target

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