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Everything posted by sat11

  1. last night, not different than other days so not many pic, i stayed LR mostly
  2. that was sad watching her cry, the pic and vids she was watching was not a random photos her and james it was what you call it a montage, when i was a teen we used to make a collection of love songs on a tape from all over the place and give to the one you love, this was like that you collect good time pics and put them together and give to GF or BF for Valentine or anniversary, that why it says at the end "its not the end"
  3. well my time is up for today, thank you for the residents and the people who posted comment it was a pleasant few hours . good night all
  4. or may be she was drunk, i missed that one, may be they should have a drink party next time she comes to visit .
  5. you might be right, i dont know but i chose to enjoy whatever is there minute by minute that way if there is no sex by the end of it i would not feel i waisted my time waiting for it, that is why most people here get angry and frustrated because the are waiting for the sex part they miss what is happening now and when there is no sex or even there is sex they waited for it for so long they get disappointing angry, i say forget the end it will come when it comes enjoy the moment
  6. the only one she is going to let touch her is zoi and i dont thing zoi is interested in sex with girls, he has been trying his best tho.
  7. well some people dont know how to enjoy little things
  8. they are good when they are alone, they are more reserved when there are people around, they are more suited in couple apartment than in a "party" apartment.
  9. may be lisa is thinking of moving in with her BF and chloe is her replacement ?
  10. i thought it said yesterday tomorrow , today is yesterdays tomorrow
  11. when i see things like this i think of it as a good thing because they are aware of what ever they were doing was not working and they are trying to fix it and they have a a mind set to do better and stay rather than this is the best i can do and i dont care if no body likes it . so good for her i say and keep on changing.
  12. if stas is not coming this weekend she should go and be with friends and family for the weekend , time like this she needs real friends and family to cheer her up, it is not good to be in the house alone and sad with no one to talk to.
  13. thanks nack, well some thing to keep you busy in this cold days
  14. does any one here actually know for fact what happened or just another excuse for tim bashing just because . tim and clara had sex a long time ago and a lot happened since then for them to argue or fight about they have been living together 24/7, speculation is one thing but saying it as a fact just so you can insult some one you have a problame is wrong, before anyone say they dont do any thing they just eat and sit watch the comp. bla bla ... zoi is naked all the time they have a regular sex yes they dont do a sex show like some residents but there are worse apartment which no one seams to throw this much insults and negativity at them. yes i am not that much of a fun for couples in general i get bored after awhile unless there is some thing special happening like M&H or anna's apartment, but reading all this ruin CC for most people and avoid participating in this kind of conversations may be that is why VH forums are shrinking.
  15. yes maybe they building up the suspense till Christmas, but why hide from joe and off cam that would have no entertainment value, i dont like cheating it never ends well and end up one leaving ( likely joe) and we will end up another lisa apartment with a girl no other guy friends only alan and we can see how its turning out him and serena, i prefer they all play with each other and others openly .
  16. its been broken for few days, that is why the stuff from the fridge is out side on the loggia.
  17. thi this is her having a real fun with her friends while doing it for the cam of course not pretending like before, hopefully if the guy is willing she will have sex with him she took a shower just before he show up. hopefully the friend will join them.
  18. i dont think so, but i only watched for last few days.
  19. no, she has to be here till the others come back otherwise the apt. will be empty
  20. i hope no one will tell here then she is having fun
  21. sat11


    she has a nice body, but like most of the girls on these sites small tits,
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