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Everything posted by sat11

  1. sat11


    i would have thought they would have gone to see iris and lex not Jackie and Phil
  2. sat11


    they are in tula now
  3. sat11

    Tver - Split 7

    sorry, i only watched tver for the last week or two so i must have missed it or forgot about it. if they do it there again it will be like the first time for me, that is good
  4. sat11

    Tver - Split 7

    it makes it a bit different than doing it in LV and BR all the time, i dont know if they have don it in the shower if not that would be next or zoe's room,
  5. sat11

    Tver - Split 7

    they dont seam to stop now they have the apartment for themselves
  6. sat11


    girls night
  7. sat11

    Tver - Split 7

    part 1 http://sendvid.com/vla3tge4 part2 http://sendvid.com/tc457z7u
  8. sat11


  9. sat11


    only one cam, the other is rubbish http://sendvid.com/3oo2dpiz
  10. sat11


    ok thanks, well good luck to them
  11. sat11


    i heard a rumor that some guys like it tight and some girls like it big
  12. sat11


    who is next..
  13. sat11


    where are lisa&nick? the night cam in their room is not working or disabled in all 3 cams .
  14. sat11


    when you have the most beautiful girl in VV(winner of the world renowned VV beauty contest winner ) why would you stop
  15. sat11


    marna ...
  16. sat11


    4 hands are better than 2
  17. sat11


    i hope caroline is his mother, if it is some famouse person or ex girlfriend he made a big mistake
  18. sat11

    Tula - Split 4

    cloth just gets on the way when you are making pastry
  19. sat11


    mona is back, she did the same thing when she was in tver as well gone the middle of the night back the next day
  20. sat11


    as long as the apartments filled with couples vv will never be fun to watch, couples seam to like being boring 16 hours, 7 hours sleep one hour sex 7 days a week, no excitement no mystery and nothing new to expect, they need an apartment for single people who want to have fun free drink free food and high possibility of sex ( i know its hard to stop people from coupling which seams on this site people fall in love easily and fast) but if the idea is on people having fun ,party and have sex who ever they want to they might not feel the need to couple just to stay and never mix them with the current residents they are contagious of sitting around do nothing, they should in a different city. dubna is the only apartment still trying to be entertaining still they are now couples and saw how the other apartments are they becoming less interesting for me, i need some thing new and unexpected than yesterday and the day before to keep watching, unfortunately with couples that is hard to find unless you are only interested in just sex even that becomes less interesting after a while. i am sure there are many people who disagree with it as well as vv it self trying to be like rlc, but its my two cents not a solution for vv's problems
  21. this camera (10) is out of focus and makes to much buzzing noise and it too low it get blocked by blanket, can you fix it please
  22. sat11


    last night busy night for marna, he is keeping up with her
  23. sat11


    i missed that, i was not paying much attention after the party
  24. sat11


    the one in front of inna is the one lives with Mona ,Bobbie and nina in volga she does not have name, mona it the other side with pink on her head
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