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Everything posted by sat11

  1. i am not getting the strategy of misty, they act like young lovers ( they are) cant keep their hand off each other every time they come here and at her place they act like old couple who has been married for a very long time. i am not criticizing them just saying they can do every thing they are doing in here they can do it in their place and get the whole money instead of sharing with other residents, i understand if they mix it up with the others even a 3som with nyusha that would make sense to me. to me it does not make a difference where they are doing it as long as they are active and fun.
  2. this is for those who are interested seeing a naked girl more than the cat
  3. its carrie, doing a good show
  4. may be sub is curious and fascinated by the hair on his face and wondering why he is the only one got hair not the others
  5. sat11


    not a fun of side by side bating but this is the first time i see the other girl naked
  6. this apt is the only one which ever time zone you are you get to see action live, i like the guest she has been up for game all the time, that is a good guest should do not talk half the night do a bit and vanish.
  7. i think they came in to the project with understanding to pretend as a couple or as two girls in some kind of relationship unfortunately for carrie linda hooked up with a guy and turned 100% strait and left carrie high and dry, now carrie is lost till she find a guy to play boyfriend with her. hopefully she will adapt for the situation to survive
  8. she must have fallout with lisa, its been a while since they visited each other, i dont know why the others did not show up, they are not doing any thing, better may be they are coming later, well she is going out and leave the drunk people alone
  9. expecting 7 people according the party hat, a guess not all anna:s people
  10. my apologies if i used strong words, i was just making a point just like when you watch a couple for the first time it good and exiting but after few times it becomes less interesting and boring its the same some one post a comment to make a point that is good and informative but if they do it again and again even in a different forums it become just like watching the same couple having sex for 100 times it get boring thats all. CC or(VH ) forum is not what used to be there are very few people left here who comment that means there is no divers opinion and those who left even they agree or disagree with you they dont comment because it was said and the point was made so many times before. again my apologies and carry on
  11. is this the same girl now in the apt?
  12. may be they should do a POV to satisfy every one interaction brings to much demand and armature directors.
  13. overall this is the least active apartment, but people here like her in an emotional level than sexual, they see her as a little sister whom they want to see doing well, not lose the apartment and happy and so on but that is not going to give her the view she needs, even people who post how much they like her and care about her here when it come to it they are not watching her when there is more interesting things happening in other apartments all the time , i think they spend more time in her forum than watching her apt. she need to be active need some one more active and push the apt to more activity like misty did for the ann and rock that what she needs in the apt than the two young people who are just like her.
  14. i think you are fixated on tim and sid or you just like posting the same thing again again every day and every forum you generate more publicity for them by commenting on every page and forums, ironic dont you think., you should learn more tolerance and less hate toward people you dont even know, but its a free forum so post what ever makes you happy like some people sometime i forget to check on these apartments because of some thing is happening other apartments and i read your comment and reminds me they are there so i go and check to see what might be happening there too.
  15. it looks to me they are doing the same thing again again, with out nina they dont seem to know what else to do, may be thats why he is having a hard time getting hard. i notice no wetting the bed ether
  16. sat11


    they have been doing it for a while now after a few min the cam switches to subscribe page, if i see some thing interesting and wanted to subscribe i am sure i will find the page with one click . very annoying like a pop up ad.
  17. FAQ is what VH wanted when they opened the site how ever it has moved on from that a long time a go, the participant are not just ordinary next door people living their lives, but actors/ armature porn stars except Zoi & tim otherwise no body will watch them if they dont put a good sex show, and for that they get paid, sad but true. i wish it was what it says on FAQ but that is not reality. for those who complain about Zoi & tim i say this is what voyeur is so enjoy a different experience (real voyeur) than a porn voyeur, if it is not your thing dont watch it and leave it for those who do. that is what i think right or wrong.
  18. sat11


    that is a big lose for vv, and us ,marna was the only one i enjoyed watching in this site, she lost by winning greg, i hope he is a good fun guy in real life. GOOD LUCK MARNA & GREG, AND THANK YOU..
  19. i dont think they would concern about nina, if they have sex when she is not there means they dont need her approval or her permission, any more
  20. when i saw her refusing laney the night before before i thought she was being cam shy now i see she is not. good to see something happening in this apartment, unfortunately tho you miss it when it happens.
  21. yes this one is doing better, good for her, hopefully she will teach the other girl .
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