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Everything posted by sat11

  1. i dont know how it works but i assumed the managers pay the rent and for the cams, if so it will be cheaper for them to close one apartment which is always empty most of the time( for the last two weeks) and pay her a bit more of the share.
  2. may be she is planning to move in here , she hasnt done much in her apartment and she is giving every thing she can here.
  3. for my curiosity, how do people know the ranking of this apartments, people always say this apartment has number one statistics and this and that, do people access to the data or just guess based on their liking??
  4. to be honest most of VH apartments are uninteresting now .its numbers not quality , if they were uninteresting they will fit in well now.
  5. i thought they did a lot more than the present residents, my be my it is my memory playing trick on me
  6. yes but he got home few min after leaving carlas, she is there now staying for the night and well protected by that Halloween costume
  7. i think there is no such thing "lesbians" in russia, girls are strait or bi, maybe that's why they are having hard time VH finding true lesbians.
  8. there is some thing wrong b/n alan and serena, the are not talking to each other , in fact they are trying to avoid each other.
  9. if you dont analyze it or compare it just accept for what it is a lite entertaining show you will enjoy it much more, in time they will get better hope fully. i think they are two girls trying their best to entertain the best they can, but not yet know how to , at the moment they dont have any one to show them how to be , the other two apartment are not that much better. THEY ARE TRYING for that they get C not F.
  10. thanks groomy, it is obvious they are lost, they are more suited for the other site (camrade) where people are happy just to watch a naked girl walking around here in vh its a sex show it stopped being a voyeur site a long time ago so they cant just tease and walk around the apartment naked and have a normal party with friends which does not end with sex. thats why they have to learn fast if they want to stay here.
  11. it seams to me (or my imagination) alan is more passionate with serena than nine when the 3 of them are together , now nina opened the door for him she might end up the 3rd wheel in the apartment, but it was a great show and it will be for the next 2 or 3 times. for alan and eda it is possible if joe is willing to fuck serina or nina (more likely serina)
  12. sat11


    asking the opinion of your subscriber and listen to improve your site is a good thing but trying to please 10 people who come here to this forum when you have 100s none CC members that will be a mistake, if you are making your businesses decisions based on less than 10 people here which may be 5 of them subscribe to your site you relay are in trouble, you have been doing this for a while now to know what works and what does not for your business , in stead of asking people about which participant stays or leaves you should work on improving cams and and fixing technical problems thats what will gets you more subscribers . you should decide whether you are a voyeur site where other people watch the participants live their lives with out interference and you make the decision if they are good or bad for your business or XXXfactor show site where people vote which participant leaves and stays each week based on sex. people used to complain about that VV interfering with the participants telling them what to do and how it was a fake show, now people interfering directly directing how a participant act and behave, that i dont think a voyeur but a TV show this is just my opinion. i was a fun of VV for a long time to see it change from a voyeur site to this what ever it is now and saddens me. i wish you the best
  13. we live in the age of equality, that means if it is wrong for a guy to hit a women it should be wrong for a girl to hit a guy as well. like thedber said where are all those people who where so upset for days all they talked abort was the violence of rex asking him to be banned , that show more of some people just like to have the attention for them selves than the actual haterate of violence
  14. sat11


    marna was happy ,singing and dancing waiting for the guy... he arrived back to normal again.this is the last time i am going to see her, tomorrow back to free cam and it shows only the sofa what a shame! thank you marna for nice evening!!!
  15. sat11


    the one before did not want to be on cam, this one he comes and goes, i think he might be a musician,the last time he left he was caring a guitar case
  16. sat11


    marna bath and shave, maybe expecting some one..sexy girl
  17. sat11

    Tver - Split 7

    deleted double post
  18. sat11

    Tver - Split 7

    now they have done it in every room in the apartment (the group sex with ivo and sonya does not count)
  19. sat11


    ok i am going to ignore this (volga) forum for a while people seam more interested in jojak than what is happening,
  20. sat11


    yes this days the participant are different kind of people,
  21. sat11


    that's all folks!!! https://ibb.co/buH1ak
  22. sat11


    Bobbie/kojak still up, may be waiting for her or enjoying his quite time
  23. sat11


    i dont think she has no plan to go home at least for tonight,she is getting confer table on the sofa
  24. sat11


    its more fun watching them with out expectation,been there and been disappointed enough times to expect more than what is happening at the moment
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