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Everything posted by sat11

  1. i think she is not a friend any of them she is there just with anita
  2. i will miss sonya , if we dont see you again goodbye and all the best
  3. i dont see any party,and dressed just like their place not like they come to say goodbye
  4. VV girls, why is anita cleaning i hope she is not moving there
  5. may be it might be my preference but i dont see the point of time line where i have to go through the all time line just to find out i only missed 1 hour or less of interesting thing happened but as the archive its recorded by many members and only some thing interesting happens so i know where and when no wasted time and easy as well as you can go back and revisit old recordings to remind you why you need to give a second chance for participant or the company when.things too quite. more importantly we know it works.( or why not try both and let your clients decide which which is better that would be beta.) but you dont need to worry about that its just my opinion
  6. VH have some issues, before i start this is constructive criticism if you care to listen cameras - there are not enough of them and the ones there used for the maximum coverage so they are like security cam too far and bad angle they are good to see the apartment but not people. suggestion, put more cam in bed room cover the bed closeup from side,side and front. oh yes some cam would be nice in hallways. play back- its the worst thing ever created, ok may be not, i mean common you could have borrowed some idea from VV. beta is for some thing good and to iron out some issues not for some thing that is so bad it should not be there in the first place and for how long you keep this, please damp this and borrow VVs playback system. in general take over VVs set up . . example looks better, easy to navigate and looks inviting a and this the opposite and you need to go all cam to see if people are in
  7. sat11

    Tula - Split 4

    the differnce b/n anita and us is she gets paid to watch and we pay to watch.
  8. sat11

    Tula - Split 4

    the sex start to look like a hard work all that passion a week ago gone down now he just lay there let her work for their keep. i guess they havent taken the lesson from anita in VV they dont need to do any thing to stay.yap there she is i was worried she might miss this session
  9. sat11

    Tula - Split 4

    i am surprised anita is not on the sofa next them while they are having sex. where is she anyway?
  10. sat11

    Tula - Split 4

    i think it only affect the free cam, its underneath the cam and its mussing with its light censer.
  11. sat11

    Tula - Split 4

    well it is a technical issue which can be fix easly with one phone call, they just passing responsibility not to do any thing about it.
  12. sat11

    Tula - Split 4

    i think its on purpose to distrapt the free cam so people would pay to get access from the other cams with frustration .
  13. i dont like alex that much but i rely like anna she was the only genuinely nice person in VV ,she took shit from him and the others in Tula apartment and always smiled even went out her way to be nice to carmen and anita, shame she chose him as her partner but its her life So i say good luck to them and let this be a new fresh start.
  14. sat11

    Tula - Split 4

    the only way we see her having sex if she swaps with carmen
  15. sat11

    Tula - Split 4

    i am going to stop, you are not getting what i am saying,
  16. sat11

    Tula - Split 4

    yes they should and if they dont you should stop paying instead of attacking them personally, its not for them i am saying this they dont see it i just dont like page after page personal insult is just abit to childish thats all. its ok to criticize them and complain about their actions. i did not like and was not happy with what i was getting for $39 a month so cancelled so can any one.
  17. sat11

    Tula - Split 4

    i know this people chose to be on cam, how ever we should not forget this are ordinary young people.with fear, insecurity, and personal short coming as well as wanting to experience this life with some fun expectation but for soms sometimes it get too much and more than they expected living with strangers with expectation of sexual activity, we all think sitting in our confertable surrounding its easy and expect them to do it just like that so ask your self if that is you if front of the cam you dont know how many people watching you.I KNOW SOME OF YOU ARE GOING TO SAY THEY CHOSE TO BE THERE OR I PAID BUT REMEMBER YOU CHOSE TO BE HERE AND TO PAY. SO PLEASE DO NOT GET PERSONAL AND ATTACK THEM ONLY CRITICIZE THEIR ACTIONS WITH SOME UNDERSTANDING. PERSONAL ATTACKS SAYS MORE ABOUT US THAN THEM.
  18. sat11

    Tula - Split 4

    the guy maight be getting advice from carmen's guy what to do i dont think he has a clue.
  19. sat11

    Tula - Split 4

    VV did not give carmen her guy, anita can go out and find a guy she likes instead of lay all day play with phone watch other have sex so she get invited to join in she is sexy and hot girl she can get a guy or two if she wants to, she is just useless in that aspect
  20. sat11

    Tula - Split 4

    i think the guy is not with her all i can see is her ass from free cam unfortunately i cancelled yesterday. my luck, ok
  21. sat11

    Tula - Split 4

    carmen and bf left them to fuck at last getting there
  22. sat11

    Tula - Split 4

    well it was a desperation move by VV anyway, she is not encouraging as well except for the dance, she always ignore them out side the bed room, he might get his chance when they go to bed if she decide to leave carmen and bf alone
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