When I first came across cc, by accident like many people, I found it to be fun, entertaining and often educational.
I've been away for a few months. Since coming back, I've noticed significant changes in the make up of the apartments and the contributions to cc. The apartments were never reality, but certainly more mainstream in the tenants lifestyles and make up, nothing like the contrived and fake collection living with Nora. Contributors to cc I believe were less accepting of manipulation by RLC, often focusing on mainstream topics when things became slow in the apartments.
Since my return, I find cc to have gone from fun, entertaining and educational, to boring, a little childish and filled with sad, lonely lives. I won't be around much longer.
After reading all the comments on how this place used to be a lot more fun and diversified, I wish I found out about this place a lot sooner. There's a point in a forum's existence when the incites go from trying to stir up things to just provoke for no reasons whatsoever. Hopefully, you can bring back the essentials and fix things in the near future.