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Posts posted by BBsq69

  1. 4 hours ago, SierraTM said:

    I am not so sure whether Leora was so much better but Gina was as real as fxxk.

    She is cute & quirky, not afraid to show her emotions on cameras and have nothing to hide. She is the kind of girl you can easily grasp her personality, likes and dislikes.

    Listen you (or others) may well accuse me of favouritism but it seems something you well understand. I think you are smart enough to recognise that but suggesting Girl A is real and Gir B is not is not something I have a lot of time for.

    Let's start with The Goddess - that's how her fans refer to her and we've collectively been around for decades and it is a title she earned as the most popular girl in the history of RLC not only on CC (Irma once just beat her in one poll on CC but that was when Irma was the hot news)  but I suspect with the general audience - because I cannot possibly figure why you think she is cold unless you mean she is in Siberia. The Goddess is highly passionate about lots of things, animals, art, science, music. She's emotional, so emotional she has blazing rows and has often come to CC to rant.Many members have found themselves on the wrong side of her.  
    She is 100% (if there were a number I could sensibly use above 100 I would) exhibitionist. It turns her on being on camera. I know you are a reasonable chap but you ought to be able to understand that. It means that she loves people to watch her. So does Nelly but not in quite the same way as Nelly liked to entertain. She has been on RLC most of her adult life and we have watched those moments with Paul, even the uncomfortable ones. Because of awareness of the cameras she can't be exactly who she is - no-one can except maybe Nicole and even then she did shows - but we have seen nearly all that life and you can't fake it for all those years. I am not denying that I suspect incentives may have crept in over the last year or so but it would be a bit unfair that others got them and she didn't.

    As for the Barcelona girls where the incentivisation is more obvious, it is a job. It is a job for Gina and Belle and all the rest. Gina happens to be around a lot so you regularly see her when she is not a resident. Now I know you have no objection to what goes on and I mentioned Gina because she did start pointing her pussy at the camera while Belle was in B2. Gina and Belle hardly ever spoke in B2. They've attended parties together but I don't get the impression they are close. When Gina left, Angel and Belle got on a lot better and when Rosie arrived it became a different place. Belle seemed very down at the start of that second stay, not like herself. Belle loves loud music, dancing, telling stories and being happy. She as an energy and a positive outlook that is second to none. And there is certainly enough about how she acts and what she says for us to know she is a bit of an exhibitionist herself. She watches TV and paints and now she is a bit older she maybe does not party as much but she partied so hard in her early days. She was almost instantly naked in B1, a house of course under the initial influence of Ilona and Irma who I think she replaced with Polya and Stella already there. Lying on the bed naked is something she did from Day 1 and she was always flashing normally to the mirror. But actually although she did this it wasn't as she does now. However Gina and the Twins were. I do wonder if she ever asked them about this. But while Gina stayed still only changing pose every few minutes Belle is a more restless girl. Many have followed. I mentioned Blair and Avi, Rosie and Jasmin but many others I don't particular care about. But the point is that although they are doing jobs, may put on slightly false personas in shows, they were still themselves. They are all emotional and we often see that in very raw terms. You would have been very very controlled indeed to hide it 24/7 for the 3/4/6 months these girls have been on camera. They get upset, they cry, they get emotional, they have fun, we see their joy.

    No criticism is intended of any girl here but they are human beings doing a job and living their life because a job is part of your life. I know full well that some people put on personas for the bosses but down the pub you see the real them and visit them at home you see the real them. They might be hiding aspects for a few hours a day, but not 24.


  2. 10 minutes ago, dontgetnone said:

    I really wish I could have been here back in the day.  Maybe my opinions would be different.  I don't know.  But all I have is the past 6 months to go by.

    It has really changed out of all recognition. I can go through the full history with you but not know. Also dontgetnone sometimes I do feel under siege here and I might mention some of those girls because others will say. Girl A didn't do that and Girl B didn't do that when they very obviously did.

  3. 5 minutes ago, dontgetnone said:

    I really wish I could have been here back in the day.  Maybe my opinions would be different.  I don't know.  But all I have is the past 6 months to go by.

    I understand you are forthright. I was when I started out here but now I am just grateful we see these girls and I wasn't really having a go at the other girls, just pointing out that Belle is basically doing the same thing, it is just that she spreads her legs a bit more and I am grateful for that.

  4. Anyway Sierra and dontgetnone, at least this discussion has been civil. I am always going to defend Belle💗. She  has been one the big stars of Barcelona. I like her because she has a great ebullient personality which was apparent from Day One and I have been posting about her 4 years. I used to be one of the biggest picture posters on the site and posted about all girls. Now I am just here really for Belle otherwise I would have left RLC when The Goddess (I make no apology for using the name I have used for heras have a lot of her biggest fans for years) went Premium.

  5. Just now, dontgetnone said:

    I can't very well object to who and what I haven't seen.  What do you mean about Sofie and Naomi finally fucked.  What did I miss? 

    Yes, it's a long time since I've seen it but if I remember correctly Sofie went down on Naomi and there has been plenty of fingering between the 2. It may have happened more than once but certainly they have fingered each other occasionally. It was a surprise to all the viewers. Ironically Sofie used to get criticised for not showing her pussy much.  

  6. 8 minutes ago, dontgetnone said:

    First of all that's not at all true.  Sofie and Naomi do their show a couple times a week

    February - April 2018 almost every night. I have the thumbnails. I could give you a complete record. As I say you have only a limited experience of them. Same show every night virtually until later they finally fucked. Jasmin and Blair, faux pussy touching and legs most definitely spread. It is just the way RLC is. Each girl has their style. You seem just to object to Belle and Belle  is more aof a natural exhibitionist

  7. 14 minutes ago, dontgetnone said:

    I have been here barely 6 months, not a couple years and I like and have liked several girls.   Mainly I like the ones who have a life outside their pussy. 

    Well that does explain quite a bit such as why you don't know Belle's history. But over the year even the couples girls seemed to be giving more shows and you have never experienced an era of Barcelona that wasn't all shows - although in my opinion it was just different tamer shows 5 years ago. I think the time you wanted was probably even before I started watching. Maybe if Belle had more visitors ... or one of her girl friends in a couple she would have more to do. So far we've had Sofie several times and Naomi once for shows but only Fiby actually visiting. Megan and Stella haven't even been there so what's Belle meant to do? She needs viewers like all the other girls and much as i might enjoy watching her paint I am in the minority.

  8. 1 minute ago, dontgetnone said:

    Challenge all you want but right now I'm too busy watching Naomi and Sara in the tub to care. 😁

    Now I am incredibly confused because Naomi and Sofie have given more bed shows than anybody ever - way more than Belle. Every single night at 10 p.m. and they are still doing it. If Belle had another girl she could lie like that and then I suppose it would be OK? Seems like there is a lot of double standards here.

    Look I really like Naomi as well and I wish Belle were around B1 but of course Belle has already done all of that..In fact her 22nd birthday was the original party of that kind. 

  9. 10 minutes ago, dontgetnone said:

    I saw very little of Gina and the twins, nothing of Jasmin or Rosie and nothing of Leora, whom I assume you mean by the Goddess. But regardless I still say I have never seen any that spend as much time with their legs spread and playing with their pussies.  Maybe some did but I didn't see any of that and glad I didn't.

    What confuses me is what have you been watching? You don't like Barcelona full stop but you seem to keep going on about Belle rather than RLC. Surely your problem is with them. Ilona used to lie on the couch or bed occasionally scratching her pussy. Who have you like in RLC in the last couple of years?

  10. 15 minutes ago, dontgetnone said:

    To me Belle is 100% show

    My I remind you this is an Adult Entertainment site as I have explained before. But the idea that there is something different bout Belle is ridiculous.

    During her the first half of her stay in B2 she was out 17 out of 20 nights and yet still did more than many. RLC had to persuade to stay in. And of course the girls do shows because it is their job and no amount of wishing it wasn't that way is going to stop it.

  11. 1 minute ago, dontgetnone said:

    I'm not fond of her either.  To me Belle is 100% show. I've known a lot of women but I've never known one who spends nearly ALL her time, day and night, 7 days a week with her legs spread wide open directly facing a camera and her fingers playing with her pussy.  If that isn't all about show then I don't know what is.

    So you never saw Gina who started it or The Twins or many many since. You never saw Jasmin lying on the bed all day or Rosie with her legs spread behind her laptop for 3 hours at a time. You haven't seen all the B4 girls on their beds naked or otherwise. You just haven't seen them. You never saw The Goddess, the No 1. girl in RLC in history lying on the couch with her legs apart for hours every day.You never saw Avi do it or Blair do it and they were out of the bedroom less often. It's only Belle.

    For your information she did it about 10 times in her first 180 days on RLC, a couple of times after about 120 days and then quite a few times in her last month. 

    In B4 in the last month she did less of it than any of girl in Barcelona. Unfortunately because she's the only girl in an aprtment on her own she can't do the shows every night that the other apartments do.

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