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Posts posted by BBsq69

  1. 8 minutes ago, firewall said:

    they always had a difficulty to find couples for this apartment "couples on vacation" 

    I would be not surprising to see the same couples returns and the olds also like nelly/bogdan etc...

    Maybe RLC got their fingers burnt by R&T. I think they had decent viewing figures but killed the atmosphere and RLC don't want to take the chance of getting the wrong couple again. Sure N&K could come back into the project but I think those days are gone. If only they could find a couple for B&N like M&R but R only stays for a few days and Megan wouldn't want to give up her jets.

  2. Good Afternoon TinkerBelle💗

    Perhaps "The Naked Man" Nate is trying to get well for their next encounter with Rocco and Megan. That was possibly my favourite thing ever on RLC. I wish there had been a bit more light and Nate had been feeling better and Rocco wasn't standing in the way of Cam 2.3 so much which obscured a lot of Megan's work on Belle's pussy but hey I can't have everything. It was WonderBelle💗 to behold.

  3. 10 minutes ago, Fagen said:

    The others probably think they had a crazy night, Damira and the others, hope they get to check replay and see what the others been doing, 5 top cams on the first row 🙂

    TBH Nate had no idea that was coming (cumming) but I think during the table time Belle and Megan could see how well the 2 guys were hitting it off and gradually manoeuvered them into what happened which was spectacular. If Nate had got going earlier I feel it would have been more so but he preserved and in the end delivered. I think the girls enjoyed that a lot and I think they were open to swap which some of you seem to have a strange moral objection too. In the same situation I probably would not want my GF fucking another man but Never say Never. Many couples do swap and it's just what they choose to do.

    This was not a planned event. Nate and Belle even discussed going home before anything had happened but the drink, the atmosphere, the sexy girls meant they were won over. I am sure the others had a great night but this harked back to that night one September and shows how far the Pixies have come/cum because they certainly did plenty of that. 

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