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Posts posted by BBsq69

  1. 2 hours ago, BBsq69 said:

    Amalia was doing everything possible to get Chris to fuck the other girls.

    Chris is a grown man and he can make his choices as I would mine. It is possible Rocco (Megan's BF) was not as comfortable on the bed with 2 other girls (don't think it counts as a 4some even if Megan was touching the other girls while they had sex as well). Bu there is a word "NO" and if an adult fails to use it they can only blame themselves. 

    But I know I keep repeating myself over this but everybody is different. Don't think that others think the same way as you (And I'm meaning a general you not being specific about any poster here)? They do not have to share your beliefs or your concerns. They are adults and have every right to behave how they choose short of upsetting other people or breaking the law. Swingers are just normal people who enjoy sex with others. There is nothing wrong in that.

    I was going to make a political point about the idea that there is such a thing as "right thinking". It is bollocks but I won't get into specifics.

  2. 44 minutes ago, dontgetnone said:

    Sergio you can always intervene in any discussion.  That's what it's for whether we agree all the time or not.  I don't think the relationship between Belle and Nate is all show and all about bonus money. That's just my opinion.   

    He has said it hundreds if not thousands of times. Belle and Nate DO have a real relationship as I think does almost every couple on her - they have been obvious ones to have suspicions about and often they don't last long - and often friendships between the girls are very real and then have known each other for many years but some of the "love" between the girls has just been for the cameras and people are all to ready to believe. However if they make good viewing I really don't care.

  3. 24 minutes ago, ze81 said:

    Would say it's 90% the truth

    Yeah that's the figure I'd use as well. But if there were no shows we'd maybe get 5% (or 50% relative) more sexual stuff because they weren't doing shows which would leave of desert of 85% of nothing. RLC can't afford to let that happen least of all now. They are not in any position to take risks. So the girls get paid to entertain but there is no point in watching girls who do nothing. It's just a question of accepting how it has to be and getting on with enjoying the spectacle because if you'd rather go back to the days when girls would just watch TV on a couch for 8 hours every evening, I can't see anybody in their tight mind paying for that again ... although some would.
    Now last last night after Belle had gone back to B5, Danira and Amalia served up something that was not only fantastic viewing but something that gave them a great deal of pleasure as well so although it is the minds of the girls to be entertaining who is to say that last night they genuinely wanted to experience each other. 

  4. 46 minutes ago, dontgetnone said:

    I've never seen anything like that so I can't say but I agree if he paid attention to Belle while Belle was doing things with another girl I'd be all over that. I don't have a problem with gents being in a 3 or 4some as long as they keep their actions to their own gf and the gf plays with the other girls.  What I don't want to see is like what happened twice in B1 and again in B3 when Amalia was doing everything possible to get Chris to fuck the other girls.  That's not cool in my book and can only lead to problems afterwards.  

    We're not talking about Sam-Eva 3somes or Masha 4 somes when actually the other girls get fucked, but people including me enjoyed them and of course everyone has to be cool with it, but like I said with Blair there was quite a bit going on in the bed but not AFAIK between Mr Blair (can't remember his name) and the other girls, just between him and Blair and Blair and her.

    Look I'd really love to see Belle get it on with another girl again and I'm not bothered if Nate is there or not. I'm just saying he could be there without actually doing anything with the other girl. I'm just saying what I wish and hope would happen. Whatever Belle💗 (and Nate) choose to do is up to them but Nate has been comfortable with Sofie on the bed and with a more daring girl maybe we'd see a bit more. A 3some doesn't mean there needs to be everything going on although it is exciting when it does ...trust me. With 3somes girls wouldn't bring someone else into the bed unless they were sure there would be no consequences. Trust me they would think about it a lot first.

  5. 3 hours ago, dontgetnone said:

    Then we seem to agree. He feels safe with her and Sofie feels safe with him because she knows that even if he did try to go too far Belle would stop it.

    Sofie would stop it. She was quite in control the other night even with Nate rubbing her pussy through the material. But If he fucked or licked or fingered Belle while she did similar to another girl as we've seen with her close friend Blair then that would be very exciting.

    Belle❤️ getting dressed now.

  6. 6 minutes ago, dontgetnone said:

    I'm not accusing Sofie of being wild.  In my opinion she's about as wild as a marshmallow.  I think Nate likes Sofie because he can have a little touchy feely fun with her without worrying about it going very far which I doubt he wants.  And Belle is ok with it.  I don't think he wants to go any further with Sofie than he already has.  

    Misunderstanding dontgetnone. What I meant was no-one could accuse Sofie of being wild so Nate feels safe with her and vice versa. I wish Belle❤️would go further though.

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