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Posts posted by BBsq69

  1. Just now, nagachilli2 said:

    It's not worth it BB...You don't have to defend her all the time...Us old timers here know she's been a total RLC star over the last several years. Don't waste your time arguing with these guys who're still wet behind the ears on RLC  my friend...😉

    Except most of them are long standing members but you would have thought they had got all the negativity out of their system by this time. There's only so much bile people can hold within their system.

  2. 1 minute ago, nagachilli2 said:

    Great post...NOT! Think before you speak. That wasn't a wise post, and presumably, you've more shite to shoot at the girls, in your armoury...😒

    I've reported him. A few years ago this would have led to an instant ban. I seem to remember he's done this thing before. Again sadly CC keep showing me posts by people I put on ignore because their intention is either to provoke or they genuine hold such vile views.

  3. 1 minute ago, Tamme Klaas said:

    Superstar, :huh: you can also wear blinders

    Must be why she's spent the most days in Barcelona apart from Nora. Within  a month she'd dildoed 4 or 5 girls and in a CC poll was voted star of possibly the best night in RLC history. Throughout all her stays she's been at or near the top of the most viewed girls. So RLC regard her as a superstar. She's got more energy and personality that almost any girl who's been in Barcelona.

    What's the problem? You don't fancy her. That's fair enough but compared to most she's done a fuck of a lot and usually before the others. She and Nate have been ill for  a week.

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  4. 37 minutes ago, Tamme Klaas said:

    This apartment is crying for a new cast

    Belle is just a "nothing" with her "friend"

    If the other couple were people Belle knew then it would be very different. Empirically Belle💗is one of the biggest stars in RLC history. If she had been here a few months ago sharing with her friends in B3 and mixing with other girls like Megan and Damira instead of stuck here with people she doesn't know. Nate is a bit nervous about going to B4 but maybe Belle💗 will play Megan another visit soon. We could do with a B5 party but the question is whether Roza and Tom would actually join in and would their presence actually deter the other girls.   

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  5. 41 minutes ago, mini2012 said:

    I say it yesterday  , she is so fake  rubbing her pussy the whole day  , whitout no feelings ii send her to Mars  and give us Leora back



    So Belle ❤️ gives a great bate and you attack her for not doing anything. 4 negative posts in 2 days. Meanwhile for the umpteenth Belle❤️is near the top of the viewing figures. Why not post about someone you like or is this your life?

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