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Everything posted by BBsq69

  1. Beautiful Belle💗 and Nice Nate🙂 still awake and it's the morning (unlike others up at this time it is not due to what they have consumed) so I will say Good night Belle & Nate and Sweet Dreams. And I hope Nate's business is a success.
  2. No Nate🙂 lasts quite long enough usually over 10 minutes so that's just factually incorrect but then that happens when people who don't actually watch. We'll see how you all manage on camera.
  3. After Nate's brief tasting TinkerBelle💝 has a go at her pussy but it doesn't last long.
  4. I wondered if there were some insects. They were looking up at the curtains. But possibly it was when Nate☺️ left and they had to take a break from all that lying around
  5. Fiby gave Belle a bit of a pussy rub. Not sure I have seen that before.
  6. It's a bit strange that Belle💗 has had so little to do with her old friends Polya and Stella unless she's seen them on the outside. With the rest of B4 she only really knows Megan despite having Damira's tongue in her pussy.
  7. He joined in last time Naomi was there. It depends on a few things and there's limited room on the bed. He's only ever done things with Megan but hey if the girls and Belle💗 are OK with it, it is entirely up to them.
  8. Well it was a good guess ... I considered that a possibility ... but not right
  9. She is definitely that. One of the most upbeat and energetic Barca girls ever. She has slept a bit more than usual and fallen back into strange sleeping hours but she keeps trying to make others laugh.Her battle with the cockroach(es) has been a highlight She may not be keen on insects but she loves a bit of drama.
  10. Glasses out so people are imminent and Belle💗's been working hard.
  11. I'm never sure of the rules on this but since the B apartments are in Barcelona then she is in a Central European country which used to be part of the Eastern block - somebody will say more.
  12. I think she would argue with not on a small point. I think she does need to be watched. It his her personal fetish except more than that. I think it's nice for her to hear positive comments about herself but that is less important than the fact people are watching her. She is not immune to the possible financial incentives doing this job may provide, but truly I believe that genuinely is not important to her. It is very important to all of the Barcelona girls although some are more focused than others. Some of them may be exhibitionist and some may really enjoy their work (I think of 1 girl in particular) but it is work rather than a lifestyle and I mean a lifestyle of being watched. I don't know if The Goddess is unique in this - there are a few others in the couples who seem to like to be watched and one, Nelly, who i am certain did - but that's what it is mainly about. However if this coincides with making money then she might as well take advantage. At least i can just about read this font size ... even if by putting it in green, I probably haven't helped myself. I don't know why I chose green for The Goddess but I'm not going to change now.
  13. Belle💗 cleaning the flat, sadly fully clothed. She's not really done much naked cleaning in the tradition of Nelly, The Goddess, residents of B1 & B2 which is a pity because I really enjoy seeing all those great bends.
  14. And the same Negative Nancys are on this thread. The Goddess is nothing special? - funny then that she is probably the most watched girl on a voyeur site in the world and it's not even close. RLC know damn well they struck gold.
  15. Is this negativing tiring in any way? To be relentlessly negative can't be fun, can it? Maybe I'm just not that kind of person. Of course Belle💗's stay was completely different this time as she was in a couple. Not only that but Nate worked and they had discussions about real life. 80% of the days there were no shows and visits from Rosie and Angel. Yes Belle lay on the bed but it is a job whether you like it or not. Complainers would have nothing happen so nobody would watch but then all they care about is having a go as they have done 100s of times. We saw a new couple in this apartment - they weren't exactly stellar. I doubt if any of the complainers actually watched went on in this apartment and clearly about from Sofie's first visit there wasn't any actual comments about what was actually happening just repeated calls to go home and insults dealt out because they had no arguments.
  16. Here's my analysis of The Goddess and what she does in her new apartment: 1. She's alone in a foreign city where I don't think she speaks the language. She's not surrounded by her things and there is no distraction from BF or dog, so what else is she going to do? 2. RLC has given her a new (old but not used) apartment for mutual benefit. Both parties know what will draw the crowds - not that The Goddess's true followers care too much about that. Great when she does it but it doesn't bother us if we don't see a bate for a while. 3. Perhaps she is now in direct competition with Barcelona - there are indications that the girls in Barcelona believe this whether it is true or not - so the pressure to perform is greater. The impression I get is that the girls in Barcelona are feeling pressure. 4. I believe that The Goddess does have a degree of competitiveness in her anyway so ... Really I think 1. has a lot to do with it. More time on her hands and she always gave her best for the viewers and I do not see any real difference in style. She evolved over the years and probably does bate more than she did 3 years ago.
  17. Maybe Pixie Belle💝💝 will invite Pixie Megan💝 around for one final Pixie Love💝 fest ☺️. I can only hope.
  18. Good position for Cam 10 💝💝💝 Thank you so much Belle💝💝 . You just get better and better☺️☺️☺️💝💝💝👍👍👍
  19. Pink friend is out to finish her off. I hope she has a big O 💝💝💝
  20. This makes up for losing Replay yesterday. Thank you, WonderBelle💝 ☺️☺️☺️ 💝💝💝💝💝💝☺️☺️☺️
  21. And they do ... well almost. And now they are and she's attacking both holes ☺️☺️💝💝💝💝👍👍
  22. Beautiful Belle💝 getting steamed up on the bed ☺️☺️☺️☺️ Rubbing herself inside her panties but hopefully they will come off soon☺️
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