Ive noticed that too. She does very little to help. Seems quite happy to let others do it for her. I did see her attempting to clean the bath once with Glassex ! If you remember when she was on her own for a while the Apartment was a shit tip until it was cleaned up for Irma to arrive. She gets involved with making Salads but thats all she ever does. Im suprised none of the others have pulled her up on it before now.
She sleeps a lot lets hope that's just temporary. The 3 got very comfortable with each other so someone else coming in is always going to effect the way they all act. Hopefully things will improve.
I think Ilona may have said her goodbye to Irma last night with the Massage she kissed her hugged her then came back in and kissed her again. Also when the 3 girls were in Anna's room before this Ilona gave a very quick wave at the Camera.It doesn't seem that she has gone for good, but we will know in time.
As nice looking as Ilona is her personality is not so good. Irma on the other hand is so cute and seems so nice in every way. She should really stick with Anna, Ilona is only interested in her Laptop and Phone and will always ignore Irma when when she is face deep in the screens.
She had bottles of washing liquid. Dont think she is hiding on purpose at least. Ilona now on the floor in her room in the Laptop where the cams do not see her well.
If im right she has shut all the doors upstairs and left the Tv playing away so that no camera's can hear her in the hidden room. I understand for the need for a little privacy now and then but she is is taking the piss out of paying subscribers now. We all know she is in there. If she doesnt want to be seen and heard then she should not have signed up. I find it very odd she doesnt go out with the others. Thats 2 nights in a row she has opted to spend all day and night on the laptop and fone.
Yes and she wanted to try those jets out on her own too. She was pressed up against them for a bit and they were deffo on this time. If only she would put that damn phone down.
after lots of wandering hands Irma went into Ilona'a room stark naked for something before returning to get down to the real action. So she knew Ilona would hear her for sure. I only wish Ilona was so open and we got see her bate but i just don't think she gets that horny or if she does she doesn't show it or want to show it on cam