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Everything posted by mr1010

  1. Alan, me too. And I know Mr. Box from our past VV days. I left VV a couple of months ago. I like the way you responded pal. You are learning that mere persuasion doesn't work with these "hooked" people. See my post above yours. Mr. Box is hooked on sex, others are hooked on a girl or two. Either way, they have the same response. These people need "cold water" splashed on their faces. But, I don't even think that will work.
  2. Mr. Box! My friend, i am surprised at what you say. Remember, they aren't our slaves! You must try to get out of the VV thinking mode. I know, I was there. I am firmly out of that mode now. Even on VV, guests do not have to be seen naked if they don't want to. You know that. They don't sign a contract. As to the conspiracy theory that this is all a "show", Kami's relationship with her bf is well documented by kitek and yury. She has been on and off with him for many months. They had sex before in his place. Now that she finally had it in her place where we could see (real life, right?), you complain? And there are 13 other apartments, right? Not a false statement, right? If you don't like it on rlc, don't join. Simple, right? As for $12 you paid. Please! Don't tell me that broke you! I won't even try to convince you that the K & K apartment is the most real apartment there is on rlc. But listen, if you want to see sex, it may not be the place for you. There is always free porn. Sorry that I had to hit you with some "cold water", pal. There is real life out there too.
  3. Barry, you are right. We will survive. There are still 13 other apartments. And maybe people will get back to real life a bit.
  4. We knew the girls were going to go on vacation for a while now. We just didn't know exactly when. Good for them. Enjoy your vacation! Come back nice and tanned! I like tanned women! Hang in there guys, we will survive this. Not as exciting though. And Thes is right, not a real good business move not to have someone on camera there for a couple of weeks. Alan, please do not try any more to satisfy the flat earth people! They will never be convinced. You and I and many other sane people know the truth about Kami's fuck of cb.
  5. Not the women I know pal. I don't know who you know. Or did you just lie about that as you usually do about most things? So while kristy is fucking her ex bf , she is watching her laptop seeing Kami fuck? You will say anything to go against anyone no matter what. Hey Harley, we have one sun and one moon. Will you controvert that too?
  6. Slider, she may have been busy last night with her own bf. I am sure it is not blocked. We may have russians here on CC. And why do you think she would want to watch her bff? That is creepy beyond belief.
  7. A well deserved break for our weary hearts. A couple of weeks of non-stop drama here. Then, it is back to "As the world turns".
  8. Thak you kitek. Very informative. He did seduce her then last night and she gave in. But had some doubts so stopped sex in the middle. I think they will go through this over and over. He is possessive of her, gets a loan for her to tie her to him. He has his "hooks" in her. She gets tired of him, breaks up, and comes back with makeup sex. This is very typical stuff. Ask mikey, he knows all about this stuff.
  9. TBG, that was so funny! I was egging them on. Trouble as usual.
  10. Some people never grow up alan. I know, you are nicer about it than I.
  11. Kristy is back! Good to see you girl. Thes, Alan, the haters are out! They will never learn. They are so hooked on their crazy fantasies that they see no reality.
  12. I feel like the destroyer of worlds. Accept the reality or be destroyed! Just kidding!
  13. Man, it must have been a tough night for a lot of people here. Myths exploded! Fantasies destroyed! This is a voyeur site. We don't get to tell them what sex to do with whom. If you want to stay sane, accept this fact! There is nothing you can do about it!
  14. Alan, hormones and emotions always play a big part in relationships.Even older people can fall prey to that. Take it from me I should know. Nature gives us hormones so that we continue the human race. Powerful stuff!
  15. What the hell are you talking about? You are fucked up man.
  16. Joejo, you off your meds again? Or are you being Harley again? And Slider what the hell are you talking about? His cock was in her pussy. Accept that, she isn't lesbian!!!! And she has fucked with him before. Neither she nor Kristy were virgins before tonight. This is just the first time we saw them have sex. You know when we were young guys we wished we could get a girl to bed even a virgin. Now that they have sex, they are whores. They weren't whores when we fucked them were they?
  17. Book, please include me as well in the "sane" comments category. I have spoken about this stuff a million times!!!! What you have said is absolutely right. And I will defend you to the hilt if anyone attacks you. (P.S.- They wouldn't attack you if I have anything to do with it!). Bunch of fucking hypocrites!!!!
  18. Oh my god Thes. It is freaking unbelievable! You and I know the reason for the disrespect. It is because they don't get their lesbian fantasies any more. How must slider feel now? No Kami and Kristy eat each other out marathon I guess! Fuck that! As I have said a million times, don't judge people, don't call them names, don't demean them, and, most importantly, THEY ARE NOT OUR SLAVES!!!!! The girls are lovely young women. Any of us if we were their ages would love to have them as our girl friends..And the old expressions, there but for the grace of god go I, and he who lives in a glass house shouldn't throw the first stone!!!! So now we have the crap posters here in K & K not just in Barcelona apt.! Fucking fantastic!!!
  19. She isn't desperate tripod. That is ridiculous. She is an extremely attractive woman. She can get any guy she wants. And she is confident. The only thing I would say is that she is a bit lazy, wants to have the already there bf rather than look for another one. She herself has said this as has Kristy. Well, get used to cokeboy guys. he will be here for a while.
  20. Hey Harley we saw something with Kami. Was does cynical you have to say now?
  21. Alan, you are absolutely right. A voice of reason on this thread which is starting to resemble the other apartment's thread. One night and people are calling her a whore or a virgin. Cmon guys! She had sex with the guy she has had sex with before. I have to admit I never thought I would see her have sex in rlc. And we "thought" she was done with coke boy. Actually, I could see this coming. She didn't clean split with him. And with Kristy out fucking her ex, there was nothing holding her back. No more pretenses of them touching each other in full out lesbian action. Well they aren't lesbians anyway. So does this mean we hardly see Kristy now and we only see Kami and coke boy?
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