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Everything posted by Kkru394

  1. The angle doesn't look like it will fix the real issue in that bathroom- that they can undress behind the camera to the right. They essentially put one cam on the shower and lowered it slightly and one on the bathtub
  2. The blonde is taking a bath with the door wide open. The other guest couple is there and he's walked by a few times
  3. What's with the dude in that guest couple? Every time I look he's smacking someone, especially the girlfriend. He just smacked her in the face a couple times for no reason at all. Sometimes she hits back, sometimes she doesn't. It's slightly beyond play fighting.
  4. The new girl took a shower.. They need to lower that bathroom cam and add a second in there as they promised. They also need about 3-5 cams to get rid of all the hiding spots
  5. Mr Fixit just dared Mrs Fixit to kiss Bobbie. Let the dare games begin.
  6. They are back.. Party time. Dasha and Demid, the guest couple and about 3 other couples are there .. Congratulations to them.
  7. I don't know but she has someone over doing her hair, Could today be the big wedding day? Dasha just arrived;
  8. Just watched the new angel on the phone put her hand down her pants for a minute or two then sniffs her hand
  9. Looks like the guests are staying for awhile. The just unpacked their suitcase into a living room drawer.
  10. Kkru394

    Sofia - Split 1

    They are going to have 2 cams in the bathroom. The other cam is not ready yet
  11. Kkru394

    Sofia - Split 1

    The apartment is set up. Nobody there. they tweeted a second bathroom cam will be functioning soon. No more terrace either.
  12. This is interesting. Butch is asleep. The brown hair guest is openly kissing the taller long haired guy. The mousey looking girl is solo, The other guy seems to be there for Sabrina. Sabrina and the brown hair girl are playing twister with the other 2 guys
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