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Everything posted by Kkru394

  1. Bathtime for my favorite Stesha guest. if you miss it now she'll repeat it in the AM... Meanwhile the birthday girl is drunk
  2. I didn't see you whining when Zoya & Lev went on vacation or Nelly& Bogdan or Adriana and Daniel OR ANYONE ELSE THIS SUMMER. And K&K had more hot female guests over since February then any of these other apartments COMBINED. So they go away a little more than the others due to their popularity. Here's a newsflash[ There's 16 other apartments you can watch including one with 4 girls in the shower right now
  3. Stesha and Marco came back with a bunch of supplies and what looked like a cake. Going to be a late night for this crew. They haven't eaten yet and the drinking is just starting. My guess is they are still waiting for the guest of honor
  4. Stesha's short female friend arrived. There is a dude dressed in slacks and a button down shirt who brought flowers so I'm guessing this may be a birthday party for one of the girls not there yet.
  5. So far, it's about six guys and two girls- the skinny brunette who normally sleeps up in the crawl space on cam 13 and the really pretty brunette who reminds me of Shailene Woodley. Stesha and Marco are nowhere to be found. . The four random dudes need dates.
  6. Blue and that guy starting to fool around again for the third time in the last couple hours
  7. Megan actually hanging out topless on her bed for once.. By the way between Blue, Stesha, Megan, Anna, Lola, Stella, Ilona and Kamila there's not enough screens right now
  8. The other guy who's there all the time is there now and they are making a couple large pots of food.
  9. It's picture day at RLC.. Kristy is taking silly pictures with Kami and her guest (sister?) in Kami's room... Kami and the guest have taken dance in their underwear videos next to Kristy's head followed by a picture of Kami and the guest in white bras next to Kristy eating a banana.
  10. The one dude with the blow up bed is there. maybe there's another party this weekend. Something to keep an eye on.
  11. Stella and Irma topless in the kitchen. This after Irma and Polya gave us a full moon show in the bathroom
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