They came back in, sat at the table for a minute or two. He starts massaging her neck. They stop, grab drinks and head back outside to hook up. Back for 5 minutes, outside for 45
and right now it's new school RLC where everybody is out of the apartment. The couple at dasha's is on their hundredth smoke break. N&B's party is in the one spot you cant watch them. K&K nowhere. the new couple-hey its the weekend, gone again. 2/3rd's of the apartment are sleeping or empty right now.
When you click on the Sofia apartment the message you get is as bad as the writing on Twitter.
We are adding new apartment for you this month. More habitants, more action, more cams
Double the Action, Double Voyeur.
if it were double the action there'd be two new apartments. That said, it's a good sign were getting a new apartment.
Yeah she kept looking at the VV contract real carefully. And this dressing room without the cameras smacks of RLC. I doubt we see anything from her. Too bad as she might have shook things up if she was a full time guest. I'm giving up my subscription without any chamges
That's not what really happened. The three of them started on the pullout to lie together and watch a movie. Masha then went to bed while the other two fooled around on the pullout. I don't think they had sex. Around 6 am the italian girl left the apartment and Sasha went to the bedroom.
Moving to the new apartments have made things even more boring. They don't mingle the apartments to party together anymore. They need new blood desperately and outside of the one girl who left with Tim it's been the same crap day after day. They really need to replace all of the tenants and start over.
The iD thing a big factor but so is the chat. People say things in chat that never show up on the message board anymore. Especially for the apartments that aren't K&K or the Barcelona apartment (and maybe Leora). All the other apartments can now go a few days between posts because if something happens of interest, it's mostly discussed on chat and not mentioned on the message board. I find it particularly frustrating if I'm on my iphone because the chat doesn't work there. I can miss 9 or 10 hours and come back and with less pictures and everything discussed in chat and have no idea if something of interest happened.
Actually about 4 or 5 days ago she actually took one on cam. And I think she was in the other bath yesterday. So I don't think that is the maintenance issue