They been sending these weekly emails to subscribers that last 3 weeks. here's the most recent. in edit maybe sofia is a different town
Welcome to Sofia
We just launched the 4th appartment on Voyeur Villa.
Starting from BIG news - Sofia is on air. This apartment is special for us. Despite it may seem it's compact, believe us, it's bigger on the inside :)
That means that what you see now - is not the final picture of Sofia. There are even more rooms and cams to be opened in the future
Yeah, there is no secret anymore - that's hot couple of Nelly and David is moving to Sofia. As you get this email, Nelly and David should be unpacking their stuff and plan to get a sunbath soon. Be sure to check it out now
As guys said, they plan to meet new people in Sofia and invite them for random parties there. This sunny apartment will be full of life.
As we were busy setting up two new apartments up, habitants in Voronezh and Tver didn't waste any time, and, believe, any drop, if you know what i mean.
Multiple parties with crazy orgies happened. And this Mr.X with Petra? Wow, their sex several days ago hit all the ratings on Villa
Be sure to check these videos out in Archive. By the way, did we tell you it has been updated? Go check it out, it's all new!
These two apartments - is a really big and new step for Voyeur Villa. We hope you will share these moments with us and you will be the first one to see new participants and more action!