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Everything posted by Kkru394

  1. She's been a regular visitor since they opened the apartment.. She normally sleeps off-cam and they have had a Birthday party for her a couple weeks ago.. This is the first time I've caught her topless.. She never has used the bathroom tub
  2. I see a lot of talk every time Kamila or Kristy go away that they should shut the apartment down. Right now Kaley's friend is in the bath. Hot.She must be at least the 30th friend of theirs I've seen naked in that apartment. They can go as long as they like as long they keep bringing new visitors in
  3. Playing Jenga in the worst spot in the room..If it's strip jenga looks like Blondie's not playing
  4. I'm not sure tonight Her boyfriend is already shirtless, a little tipsy and maybe a little horny. They are now getting dolled up.
  5. they tweeted last night they'll be down until 15:00 -16:00 local time so about 6-7 hours
  6. He can go as far as I'm concerned.. The blonde from the last couple days was too shy and i think the one time he had sex it was under the covers.
  7. Maria and Grisha had a disagreement with one of the guys. The two new couples just left because of it. Only the bearded guy and the blonde remain
  8. it appears the girl had too much to drink.. sleeping on Nina's bed
  9. Alex was the problem. We could have had a threesome if he had gone to bed when the other girl left and let the 3 of them stay up. Now they've had too many shots for anything
  10. Alex has a uncanny ability to stand in front of camera angles at the wrong times tonight.
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