Heidi's friend was there the night they bought a stripper for her. Wasn't she the one who brought the really drunk touchy feely guy who tried hooking up with Heidi and Kristy the same night? I think she might have fooled around with that guy in the restroom shower.
RLC added a top 40 scenes of the last 24 hours to replay. It generally gets the major scenes during the day- most sex acts, certain popular tenant and guests baths/showers, etc.
There's 2 couples over right now. One is the dark haired guy with the skinny brunette. The second couple is with a blond who has never been there before I think. They are making a ton of food - certainly for more than 6 people. If the air mattress comes out there could be a party today.
Just got home. Yulia had SEX on cam and we have a bunch of whiners Kami is going on a trip? It's not like the apartment is empty all the time when Kami goes away. I'm not sure we would have gotten Heidi's show if Kami was around. We wouldn't have gotten Yulia 's show tonight if Kami was home. IMO Yulia is very hot. Kami is living her life but we have seen a ton of gorgeous girls in her place when she's away. Heidi, Katya. Yulia. Maybe some of Kristy's angels. Just enjoy all the beautiful visitors they have which IMO more than makes up for Kami's absences.