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Everything posted by Kkru394

  1. That was totally weird. She's making out with one guy, sort of resisted removing her clothes. Then the guy gets called out of the room. another guy comes in to use the computer. That guy gets her naked for a massage. The guy takes his dick out, rubs in on her, puts in her hand. She strokes it for a second, he tries to fuck her and turn her over. She stops him and quickly dressed after that.
  2. I agree that brunette is Marketa. Vanessa started cleaning when she showed up. The brunette wiped down the computer desk and looked in the closet.
  3. Yeah I sent them a ticket and they responded they were aware of the situation and they are fixing it. That was nine hours ago.
  4. I understand that it's a Czech girl's name but I certainly think that the blond guy with that haircut could have the chutzpah to choose a name like Marketa. I don't where RLC comes up with names but I would think the tenants might have a say. I don't think either of the 2 guests girls are Marketa. That computer blocks the view of the bed on 13. Vanessa went to bed. I don't think she would have if these were her guests and supposed new girl we haven't seen is not there.
  5. Vanessa retuned tonight with 1 of the guys from the afternoon and 6-7 other people including 2 other girls. I think the blond guy with the neck tattoo is Marketa. A male and female couple are lying in his bed while he uses the computer in the room. It doesn't look like either of the 2 guys from the afternoon are there.
  6. amy accidentally knocked the cam out when she tried to move it back. The Asian girl moved it in the first place
  7. Tory slapped him multiple times and he still kept trying to kiss her
  8. I think Tory dumped Nik. She told him something in the bedroom, he started crying and now she's sharing a chair with another guy.
  9. Mike, To a point I agree with you on most guests. But after a week or so she's taking advantage of the situation. I'm ready for miss x to go. For starters, if she's going to continue just wearing that top and clutching her chest every time she moves,, she should just put on a t-shirt. And when Rose changes the sheets it would be nice to hep her considering you've slept there most of the past week
  10. The guest couple is there. However they are hanging out in that back room which needs a camera.
  11. Looks like there are a few bags packed in the living room. Nelly has been cleaning a bunch/ Looks they will be going on vacation soon. Normally they get a guest couple
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