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Everything posted by Kkru394

  1. Yeah a few of those guys didn't bring their girlfriends along, particularly the guy with the glasses and the blond skinny guy
  2. The new couple staked a claim to the loft with a sleeping bag and a note. Meanwhile the solo annoying dude showed up
  3. There's 2 couples over right now. One is the dark haired guy with the skinny brunette. The second couple is with a blond who has never been there before I think. They are making a ton of food - certainly for more than 6 people. If the air mattress comes out there could be a party today.
  4. Just got home. Yulia had SEX on cam and we have a bunch of whiners Kami is going on a trip? It's not like the apartment is empty all the time when Kami goes away. I'm not sure we would have gotten Heidi's show if Kami was around. We wouldn't have gotten Yulia 's show tonight if Kami was home. IMO Yulia is very hot. Kami is living her life but we have seen a ton of gorgeous girls in her place when she's away. Heidi, Katya. Yulia. Maybe some of Kristy's angels. Just enjoy all the beautiful visitors they have which IMO more than makes up for Kami's absences.
  5. I don't think it was the same guy. That guy was more built and muscular than the guy who was there yesterday.
  6. Yeah it's cheating. But so what? I don't know any of these people and I will never see them That was awesome. And if they close them down they could always bring Kitty and Smith there if they cut them loose. This apartment should now be called "the cheating apartment". The lesbian couple before them had cheating too.
  7. Its not like they've had shorts on all day. The return of Rus and Jess is by far the most interesting that's happened on RLC all day
  8. I saw her come in too. She definitely fell outside the apartment. When she came in she had her heels on and the sound of her walking sounded off
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