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Everything posted by Kkru394

  1. About 10 minutes ago cams 2-3. The other girl was about to leave but Sara is trying to stop her
  2. Anyone just watch Sara dump her beer on Mira then take Jeka into the bedroom?
  3. The girl guest has a female guest now. They are doing something in the off camera bathroom
  4. Looks like they are setting up for a party. I wonder a) if that's Kitty's mom and b) will Vanessa come to the party?
  5. 4 angels in the kitchen, yulia in the bath, Heidi and Katya on the couch, k&k roaming around the house ot- leora and friend are home
  6. Heidi's friend was there the night they bought a stripper for her. Wasn't she the one who brought the really drunk touchy feely guy who tried hooking up with Heidi and Kristy the same night? I think she might have fooled around with that guy in the restroom shower.
  7. RLC added a top 40 scenes of the last 24 hours to replay. It generally gets the major scenes during the day- most sex acts, certain popular tenant and guests baths/showers, etc.
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